IJET -Volume 5, Issue 2 , March - April 2019
Title/Author Name
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Automatic Density Detection and Recognition of Fabric Structure Using Image Processing- Miss. Ravina D. Karnik , Prof.(Dr)Mrs.L.S.Admuthe
This paper presents a new approach for processing images of woven fabrics to determine the warp-weft densities. This approach includes three main steps, namely; image pre-processing, wavelet transform, morphological processing and density calculation. In the experimental process, different woven fabric images were scanned at a high resolution, then these images were transferred to the MATLAB program. By using the wavelet transform and morphological processing density of warp and weft is obtained. This method is based on widely used digital image analysis techniques. It allows automatic warp yarn and weft yarn cross area segmentation through a spatial domain integral projection approach consequently with 97 % accuracy, the densities were predicted only by using the images instead of counting them by hand. In Today’s work, woven fabric structure classification is based on manual work in textile industry by using Pick glass. This paper proposes an automatic approach to classify the three woven fabrics: plain, twill and satin weave. Firstlyto detect the interlacing area where weft yarn and warp yarn crossed over each other we apply horizontal and vertical projection in order to reduce the analysis of fabric images. Then gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) is adopted to extract the texture features of pre-processing fabric images. Finally Neural Network is applied to classify the three basic woven fabrics. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can automatically, efficiently classify woven fabrics and obtain accurate classification results. Keyword: Woven Fabric, Wavelet Transform, Morphological Processing, Principal Component Analysis, Fuzzy Clustering, Integral Projection, Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix, Texture Analysis.× ![]() Miss. Ravina D. Karnik, Prof.(Dr)Mrs.L.S.Admuthe"Automatic Density Detection and Recognition of Fabric Structure Using Image Processing" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (54-59) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Asset Tracking and Accident Detecting Using NI MyRIO- V.Shepani, P.N. Subbulakshmi, K.Revathi, S.Sreedivya, A. Christy Arockia Rani
Tracking materials takes a totally new hue, be it storage or movement of freight on road. Damage to the freight may incur huge cost on both time and money spend. Thus, proactive real time monitoring by multiple agencies can be an important clue for preventive maintenance in the bud. Asset tracking systems developed around various objects interconnected by different communication technologies. Each of these devices function through local and/or remote interaction with the real world or other devices and systems. The problem of ensuring a dependable and responsive controller that is capable of handling and servicing such devices, process voluminous data without compromising responsiveness is still eminent. In this paper, we present a solution that was designed using in-lining approach to develop a real-time asset tracking and accident detecting system with global positioning system. The system is composed by a NI (National Instruments) myRIO controller to transmit wireless sensor data. Keyword: Asset tracking system, NI myRIO, real-time, global positioning system, wireless, accelerometer.× ![]() V.Shepani, P.N. Subbulakshmi, K.Revathi, S.Sreedivya, A. Christy Arockia Rani"Asset Tracking and Accident Detecting Using NI MyRIO" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (60-65) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Distance Measurement and Obstacle Avoiding Using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino- Seetharaman R, Barathwaj R, Ganesh kumar A, Ganesh kumar S, Karthikeyan S
In recent days, accidents are happen often it is difficult to drive the vehicles in visibility zero condition. Some safety measures has to be taken such an accidents. This can be done by monitoring the distance between the two objects. When the objects are come closer with in certain range, The ultrasonic sensor will detect the distance and displayed in LCD screen and correspondingly speed will be reduced. Keyword: Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino, Motor Driverkit.× ![]() Seetharaman R, Barathwaj R, Ganesh kumar A, Ganesh kumar S, Karthikeyan S "Asset Tracking and Accident Detecting Using NI MyRIO" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (66-71) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Heartbeat Monitoring Using Arduino- R.Seetharaman, K.Aishwarya, S.Gayathridevi, K.Raashmi, R.Reshma
In this paper, we have developed a device for monitoring the cardiac activities of a patient who has been affected by heart diseases. The heart beat sensor was used for monitor the heart rate(pulse rate) of a person. The measurement of biological parameters is very essential for maintaining a good health in heart patients. The finger tip heart beat sensor was used for measuring the heart rate of a person. The output of sensor was given to arduino. The arduino process the analog signal and send the data to the doctors mobile through the bluetooth module. It is an user friendly device which can be easily used by the cardiac patients Keyword: heart rate, arduino, bluetooth module, alarm.× ![]() R.Seetharaman, K.Aishwarya, S.Gayathridevi, K.Raashmi, R.Reshma"Heartbeat Monitoring Using Arduino" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (72-75) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Automatic Trash Collector- B. Deepa, Guru Prasaath V K, S. Jithendrriyan B B, Kiruba Govind Bangaru T
This paper represents the design of the garbage collector robot with robotic arm and the trash detector using image processing. The rover is connected to a container which holds the waste, robotic arm is used to hold the dustbin and a camera is used to detect the dustbin. The robot is controlled automatically via programs developed in LabVIEW. The camera which is connected to NI-myRIO captures the image of the dustbin and recognizes it by using image processing technique programmed in LabVIEW. The gripper connected to the robotic arm holds the dustbin and transfers the wastes into the container. Keyword: NI-myRIO, LabVIEW, Image Processing, Robot, Robotic Arm.× ![]() B. Deepa, Guru Prasaath V K, S. Jithendrriyan B B, Kiruba Govind Bangaru T"Automatic Trash Collector" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (76-79) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Mechanical Engineering in Ancient Egypt, Part 83: Seagoing Ships Industry - Galal Ali Hassaan
This paper is the 83rd research paper in a series investigating the evolution of mechanical engineering in ancient Egypt. It investigates the ship industry during a time span from Predynastic to Late Periods of ancient Egypt. It outlines evidences of using seagoing ships in ancient Egypt and how they navigated them. The location, type , steering, design are all investigated. Keyword: Mechanical engineering; ancient Egypt, seagoing ships industry, Predynastic to Late Periods.× ![]() Galal Ali Hassaan"Mechanical Engineering in Ancient Egypt, Part 83: Seagoing Ships Industry" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (80-87) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Data- Driven Cell Zooming For Large-Scale Mobile Networks- N.Roja Ramani, L.Shailarousittainfants
In recent years Green Communication, an energy efficient communication in cellular networks is of more concern to network operators because of the rising energy costs and carbon foot print on earth. This trend stimulated the interest in researchers to design, develop and investigate the various metrics, models and associated science needed for combined energy efficiency and network optimization. Nowadays, the whole world of telecommunications and information communities is facing a more and more serious challenge, namely on one side the transmitted multimedia-rich data are exploding at an astonishing speed and on the other side the total energy consumption by the communication and networking devices and the relevant global CO2 emission are increasing terribly. Research shows the importance of energy efficiency metrics which are indicators of efficiency, understanding those metrics provides us a better view on how energy efficiency can be achieved in wireless systems/networks. Learning these metrics will help us build a better understanding on energy consumption problems. The study of green communications will require investigation in several areas such as power efficient RF hardware, efficient MAC protocols, networking, and integration of renewable energy with communications equipment, frequency reuse deployment strategies, and spectrum policy. While each area individually contributes to energy consumption, researching the interaction across separate layers will provide the truly transformational discoveries. Keyword: Data-driven, cellular network, cell zooming, energy saving, green communication.× ![]() N.Roja Ramani, L.Shailarousittainfants "Data- Driven Cell Zooming For Large-Scale Mobile Networks" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (88-92) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Recharging Lane for Electric Vehicles- Avesh Jangam, Rayyan Ramrajkar, Vinay Suryawanshi, Nitin Dubey,Prof. Mayur Bembde
With the increase of strain on petroleum as a fuel and its adverse contributions for the increasing pollution, it has become mandatory to find out alternatives to traditional IC engine vehicles. Electric vehicles have proven revolutionary in this regard and a perfect substitute for conventional vehicles. However low range, bulky batteries and high recharging time have major drawback for its feasibility and frequent use. This paper introduces the concept of “Recharging lane for Electric vehicles”. This concept is based on the use of wireless magnetic resonant coupling for inductive wireless power transfer based on Faradays law of Electromagnetic induction. This paper aims to increase the range of electric vehicle. Keyword: wireless power transfer, magnetic resonant coupling, electric vehicles, mutual inductance.× ![]() Avesh Jangam, Rayyan Ramrajkar, Vinay Suryawanshi, Nitin Dubey,Prof. Mayur Bembde "Recharging Lane for Electric Vehicles" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (93-96) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Safe and Secure Wildlife Tourism Using Advanced Wi-Com Technology- R.Kavinrajan, B.C.Pradeepbalasekar, S.Ramprasanth, K.R.Renesh, Dr.A.Kishore Kumar
Tourism, Safety and Security: a multi dimensional analysis brings together with advanced Wi-Com Technology is discussed in this paper. India has an amazing spectrum of animals native to the country. The country’s rich and diverse wildlife is preserved in 120-plus national parks, 18 bio-reserves and 500-plus wildlife sanctuaries. In recent days, wild life tourism is a very popular place for adventurers and you-tubers. People are expecting more adventures and reality in their tourism, instead of seeing animals in zoo, people now wish to see them in forest areas lively. However, there are only rules and conditions regarding safety for people and forest guards, but no security factors. Therefore, there exists lot of animal attacks and it is increasing year by year as, per the survey. They were only concentrating in forest fire safety and animal tracking in the past years. In this research, we propose an idea to implement a strong safety precaution by using Wi-Com Technology, for the touristers and forest guards in particular.We use Near-field communication (NFC) reader to track the animal’s presence, which is fixed with a tag. Once any of the animals is present near the limit, it will store and display the particular animal’s details to the tourister’s vehicle. The main object of this research work is to provide safety for the touristers. In the proposed system, the emergency switches are used to mention the priority of danger to the forest department server room, using Zig-bee protocol. Keyword: wireless power transfer, magnetic resonant coupling, electric vehicles, mutual inductance.× ![]() R.Kavinrajan, B.C.Pradeepbalasekar, S.Ramprasanth, K.R.Renesh, Dr.A.Kishore Kumar"Safe and Secure Wildlife Tourism Using Advanced Wi-Com Technology" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (97-102) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Evaluation Of Reliability for Component Based Software Using Scenario Based Apporach- K.Jagan, Dr.K.Subba Rao
In the Software Engineering,The reliability model, and a reliability analysis technique are very importent for component-based software. The technique is named as Scenario-Based Reliability Analysis (SBRA). Using scenarios of component interactions, we construct a probabilistic model named Component-Dependency Graph (CDG .The CDG is to represent the architectural dependency between components and possible execution paths. And it is also developed for distributed software systems. Keyword: Component-based software, component-dependency graphs (CDG), scenario-based reliability analysis (SRBA), software reliability analysis and modeling.× ![]() K.Jagan, Dr.K.Subba Rao "Evaluation Of Reliability for Component Based Software Using Scenario Based Apporach" Volume 5 - Issue 2 (93-96) March - April 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Under in review process, article will publish soon... |