IJET -Volume 5, Issue 1 , January - February 2019
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An Adaptive Authentication Based on Blockchain for Bigdata Hadoop Framework- Mithun Kankal, Pramod Patil
The authentication protocols for giant information system like Apache Hadoop relies on Kerberos. In the Kerberos protocol, there are variety of security problems that have remained unsolved like single purpose of failure, replay attacks, DDoS and are some examples. These indicate potential security vulnerabilities and massive information risks in victimization Hadoop. Here we intended to presents drawbacks of Kerberos implementations and identifies authentication needs that may enhance the security of huge information in distributed environments. The enhancement planned relies on the rising technology of block chain that overcomes shortcomings of Kerberos. Keyword: Big Data, Distributed Network, Authentication, Hadoop, Security, Blockchain, DecentralizedAuthentication.× ![]() Mithun Kankal, Pramod Patil"An Adaptive Authentication Based on Blockchain for Bigdata Hadoop Framework" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (89-94) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Computer-Aided Inspection (CAI) of Rice Grain Quality Based on Morphological Characteristics- Nono Heryana, Rini Mayasari, Aries Suharso, Sigit Yudha Ariyadi
Computer-aided inspection (CAI) is the use of computer-based software tools that assist quality engineers, machinists, and inspectors in manufacturing product components. The quality of rice is determined by physical (visual) and chemical character (laboratory test). Of the two characters, to test the quality of rice using laboratory tests is very time consuming, as for one relatively fast way of determining the quality of rice is the aspect of the shape and appearance of rice which consists of length (size) and grain shape physically. The image analysis algorithms are applied to an image in which rice grains are randomly placed and spread in one layer.In this study, image processing algorithms were developed to identify rice grains based on morphological characteristics, namely the size and shape of rice grains. After getting the values for length and breadth, the length-breadth ratio is to be calculated. From the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the resulting model has an accuracy rate of about 93.3%, so it has a good level of accuracy. Keyword: rice grain, Computer-aided inspection, cad, morphological.× ![]() Nono Heryana, Rini Mayasari, Aries Suharso, Sigit Yudha Ariyadi"Computer-Aided Inspection (CAI) of Rice Grain Quality Based on Morphological Characteristics" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (95-99) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Effect of Artificial Fiber on the Compaction and Strength Behavior of Shedi Soil- K.V.Manoj Krishna, Dr.Y.Ramalinga Reddy, Darshan G.C
Some of the beds in the coastal area do not show the behaviour of clay or silt, but when it comes in contact with water it flows like water, which will cause lot of settlement and this bed soil is termed as shedi soil. The construction of foundation for structures embankments, roads on shedi soil poses a challenge to civil engineers. Chemical stabilization is one of the oldest methods of stabilization for problematic soil. In recent days it has been investigated that addition of fibers will improve the ductility behaviour of the soil,thereby reducing the development of crack during shrinkage. Soil is reinforced with randomly distributed artificial nylon fiber as one combination and shedi soil with polypropylene fiber as another combination. Optimization of shedi soil reinforced with fibers were determined by conducting direct shear test.All the samples were preparing to their optimum moisture content and maximum dry density. Samples were intended to test immediately were tested immediately where as samples with ageing were kept in dissector for required period there after samples were tested in direct shear test under an normal stress of 100 kPa. Shedi soil reinforced with 0.8% randomly distributed nylon fiber (by weight of soil)as well as shedi soil reinforced with 0.8% randomly distributed polyproplyne fiber (by weight of soil) is found to be optimum. Keyword: maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, randomly distributed fibers.× ![]() K.V.Manoj Krishna, Dr.Y.Ramalinga Reddy, Darshan G.C"Effect of Artificial Fiber on the Compaction and Strength Behavior of Shedi Soil" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (100-107) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Improved Oil Production Optimization Applying Particle Swarm Optimization- Ganesh Gaikwad, Prashant Ahire
General oil field-optimization algorithm is proposed in this paper for improved asset optimization techniques using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The proposal consists of the swarm behavior model. The PSO algorithm proposes a set of potential solutions to the optimization problem. A large amount of work has been done for well optimization in which multiple optimization methods were used. In gradient-based optimization methods, the derivative of the objective function with respect to the decision variables is used. In gradient-free optimization, multiple algorithms classified as global or stochastic algorithms - such as the genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, and particle swarm optimization. These optimization strategies can be applied individually or can be used in complementary to maximize the different objectives in an oil field. In this paper, we review Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and its application to optimize the critical variables. In this work, we address the significance of different methods and highlight their limitations. We also discuss the challenges associated in applying, extending these methods, and their potential in the future. Keyword: Oil Field Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Asset Optimization.× ![]() Ganesh Gaikwad, Prashant Ahire"Improved Oil Production Optimization Applying Particle Swarm Optimization" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (108-111) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI Images- Adarsh Dhiman, B.S. Satpute
Human brain is complex thing and identifying a disease at earlier stages is one of the difficult tasks in medical field. The identification; manual segmentation and detection of infected areas in brain MRI images are a tedious and time-consuming task. To reduce this time constraint; neural networks are an ideal in recognizing diseases using scans since there is no need to provide a specific algorithm on how to identify the disease. In earlier years of machine learning the features were designed manually by the domain expert and it required deep understanding and domain specific knowledge to carry out this task. In recent years there are tremendous developments in the field of machine learning especially deep learning. Deep learning made it possible to learn the hierarchical features present in the data. The idea is to use this knowledge in the medical field as well to learn these features spontaneously and automatically segment the MRI images.In this paper, we review brain tumor segmentation in MRI images. In due course, we review the different techniques to segment the MRI images. We discuss as well the challenges involved in these segmentation techniques, and their potential in the future. Keyword: Brain Tumor, Deep Learning, Image Segmentation, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).× ![]() Adarsh Dhiman, B.S. Satpute"Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI Images" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (112-115) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Breathe sensor based Interavtive system using GSM- Aditi Kotabagi, Karishma Pardeshi, Mayuri Mane, Pravin Pancheshwar, Prof. Ankur Ganorkar
When a person is home alone and undergoes medical emergencies like Cardiac arrest ,Dyspnea, Asthma attack etc, so at that time immediate medical assistance is required and moreover a person with disabilities like speech impairment and handicap needs to communicate about his/her basic requirements.Also in case of burglary, the person wants to contact the police / neighbourhood by sending text alert.Hence at such times we try to develop a mask which will sense the breathing pattern and sendtext messages accordingly.Project is designed for the people with disabilities like speech impaired, physically handicapped, paralysed etc. to send alert messages by breathing pattern. Keyword: GSM, Breathing Analysis.× ![]() Aditi Kotabagi, Karishma Pardeshi, Mayuri Mane, Pravin Pancheshwar, Prof. Ankur Ganorkar"Breathe Sensor Based Interaction System using GSM" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (116-119) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Comparative Analysis of Weighted OFDM Technique with Various PAPR Reduction Techniques in OFDM System- Mohammad Abdul Raqeeb, P. Naga Malleswari
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is a technique which is used in next generation mobile radio communication systems. OFDM signals bandwidth efficiency is increased since here serial data is multiplexed in to large number of sub channels which are orthogonal to each other which helps in the reconstruction of the original signal at the receiver. The main disadvantage of OFDM is that it has got high PAPR( Peak To Average Power Ratio) . In this paper we explore comparative analysis between various techniques that can be employed to reduce PAPR resulted from OFDM. The performance is analyzed through simulations. According to numerical results obtained, PAPR and BER of a system is reduced significantly by using Weighted OFDM scheme as compared to Clipping OFDM method and to Partial Transmit Sequence PAPR reduction technique. Keyword: OFDM,PAPR,Clipping OFDM, Weighted OFDM,Partial Transmit Scheme,BER,SNR.× ![]() Mohammad Abdul Raqeeb, P. Naga Malleswari"Comparative Analysis of Weighted OFDM Technique with Various PAPR Reduction Techniques in OFDM System" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (120-125) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Real Time School Bus Arrival Indication System- Patel Jagdish, Chakor Punam, Ahire Punam, Phad Shital
The strict majors taken for children safety by the authorities the crimes over children are increasing on significant amount. School authorities may be penalized heavily for these mishaps, So school bus monitoring is an effective major to restrict these mishaps. In this paper propose an embedded system which focues on children safety, tracking of school bus and exact location of school bus with the help of longitude and altitude positioning of GPS and sending information through the SMS. Two IR sensors are used to check whethere a student is arriving or leaving bus.We also provide speedometer which checks speed of bus,and also using LCD display. Keyword: childrens safty, GSM, GPS, bus track, sensors, LCD Display.× ![]() Patel Jagdish, Chakor Punam, Ahire Punam, Phad Shital"Real Time School Bus Arrival Indication System" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (126-128) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Experimental Study on the Viscoplastic Response and Buckling Of Local Sharp-notched SUS304 Stainless Steel Tubes Under Cyclic Bending- Kuo-Long Lee, Yu-An Chen, Wen-Fung Pan
In this paper, the experiment for inspecting the response and buckling of local sharp-notched SUS304 stainless steel tubes with different notch depths subjected to cyclic bending at different curvaturerates is presented. Tubes with notch depths varying from very shallow (0.2 mm) to approximately2/3 times the tube wallthickness (1.0 mm) were considered. Three different curvature rates, 0.0035, 0.035 and 0.35 m-1s-1, were used in the test for highlighting the viscoplastic response and buckling. The experimental moment-curvature relationships showed a nearly closed and steady hysteresis loopafter a few bending cycles. Higher curvaturerates led to larger cyclic steady loop. Theexperimental ovalization-curvature relationships showed an increase in asymmetry and ratcheting with an increase in the number of bending cycles. Deepernotch depths and higher curvature rates caused larger ovalization. The experimental controlled curvature-number of bending cycles required to produce buckling relationships demonstrated that for a fixed controlled curvature and notch depth, a larger curvature rate led to a lower number of bending cycles required to produce buckling. In addition, for a fixed controlled curvature and notch depth curvature rate, a larger notch depth caused a lower number of bending cycles required to produce buckling. Keyword: Local sharp notch, SUS304 stainless steel tubes,cyclic bending, viscoplastic response, viscoplastic buckling, moment, curvature,ovalization, number of bending cycles required to produce buckling.× ![]() Kuo-Long Lee, Yu-An Chen, Wen-Fung Pan"Experimental Study on the Viscoplastic Response and Buckling of Local Sharp-notched SUS304 Stainless Steel Tubes Under Cyclic Bending" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (129-138) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Evaluation Technology of Software Reliability by using the BP Neural Network- D.Jyothirmai, M.Suresh Kumar, Dr.Katta Subba Rao
In the Software Industry, the Software Reliability linked with Neural Networks are very important. Here, In this paper We briefly introduces the BP(Back Propagation) neural network and also discuss about the application of BP neural network algorithm in evaluating the reliability of software, it constructs the evaluation index system of software reliability based on the neural network, and finally design the software reliability evaluation system. This system takes the scores of influence factors(main factors) of software reliability as input which are marked by user, and then output the evaluation result of software reliability computed by the trained neural network. Keyword: BP neural network; influence factors, software reliability, evaluation system.× ![]() D.Jyothirmai, M.Suresh Kumar, Dr.Katta Subba Rao"Evaluation Technology of Software Reliability by using the BP Neural Network" Volume 5 - Issue 1 (139-143) January - February 2019, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET),ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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