IJET -Volume 9, Issue 1 , January - February 2023
Title/Author Name
Serial No
IOT Based Smart Vehicle Parking Monitoring System Using RFID
- D Sai Krishna Kanth, K Harinath Reddy, G Maneesha, J Manoj Kumar Reddy,
B Manasa, P Manikanta
As the world's population grows, so does the use of vehicles, which leads to increased traffic. Finding parking for vehicles is becoming an important issue, particularly in densely populated smart and congested cities, where there is insufficient space for parking due to the simple fact that there are too many vehicles. Designing a real-time prototype for the Smart Parking System (SPS) based on the Internet of Things (IOT) is to convey the automobile to its predetermined parking space. The Smart Parking System (SPS) allows vehicles to be parked in all parking locations effectively, providing simple parking and thereby saving time. The different phases involved in the construction of SPS include vehicle identification utilizing RFID tags. The free place to park the vehicle is detected using IR sensors, and using a real-time clock, payments are calculated based on the duration of time that the vehicle is parked using a real-time clock. The suggested smart parking system is based on an electronic device that gathers parking availability status and enables drivers in discovering and choosing the necessary parking place from among those that are available, so. In order to indicate the security features of the total parking system, temperature sensors and CO2 sensors are employed. greatly decreasing traffic problems and poor city administration. Keyword:Arduino, SPS, IOT, RFID, IR Sensor - - . × ![]() D Sai Krishna Kanth, K Harinath Reddy, G Maneesha, J Manoj Kumar Reddy, B Manasa, P Manikanta "IOT Based Smart Vehicle Parking Monitoring System Using RFID" Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 1-5 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
Nanotechnology for Antimicrobial Textile Finishing – A Review
- Radhika Damuluri, Dr. Rupal Babel
The application of metal nanoparticles to impart special properties to textiles is carried out worldwide for a long time. The current pandemic situation has created great demand and market for apparel and textiles that provide protection from pathogenic microbes. Many research studies are going on in developing durable antimicrobial agents using nanotechnology. The application of nanoparticles as antimicrobial agents has gained momentum in the past decade, as they are durable and last for several laundry treatments like bleaching and washing. This article tries to review the commonly used methods of synthesizing nanoparticles, generally used metal nanoparticles to impart antimicrobial functionality to textiles. Keyword:nanotechnology, nanoparticle, anti-microbial, polymerization. - - . × ![]() Radhika Damuluri, Dr. Rupal Babel "Nanotechnology for Antimicrobial Textile Finishing – A Review" Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 6-11 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
Combination of supervised and unsupervised learning models to forecast a successful business decision
- Joseph Benny, Maria Joy, Vrinda K
The Rate of Return, a crucial measure used to assess real estate investment alternatives, is calculated in large part utilising real estate rent forecast in housing market analysis. Real estate investing may generate capital gains and ensure financial success with accurate rent projection. We conduct a thorough analysis and investigation of popular machine learning techniques for rent prediction in this work, including SVM and Tensorflow. We develop a new model that includes the single-family, townhouse, and condominium housing types. The dataset's data instances each have 18 internal properties. a portion of the gathered features that filter algorithms have chosen for the prediction models. Additionally, we apply a hierarchical clustering method to group the data based on the zip code's estimated average rent and the kind of dwelling. The empirical findings reveal that, in comparison to eager learning techniques, rent prediction models based on lazy learning algorithms lead to greater accuracy and reduced prediction error Keyword:SVM, Tensorflow, Data analytics, Machine learning, Data mining. - - . × ![]() Joseph Benny, Maria Joy, Vrinda K "Combination of supervised and unsupervised learning models to forecast a successful business decision" Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 12-17 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
- Aneena Kurian, Rotney Roy Meckamalil
Through the Internet of Vehicles, here develops a framework for Warning and Monitoring System for analyzing the vehicular safety is to identify potentially unsafe driving. The developed DGMN framework uses wearable technology and onboard image sensors to track driver head motion and determine the degree of vehicle departure, respectively. This system uses the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) algorithm to determine the similarity between the sensed motion feature vector (measuring in real time) and the target motion feature vector (capturing in advance). Hand gestures are investigated as an alternate or supplemental input modality for mobile devices in this paper. It is presented a novel gesture recognition system based on the usage of an acceleration sensor, which is currently found in an increasing number of consumer electronic gadgets. Accelerometer sensor data may be used to detect hand motions and categories them into previously taught gestures. To increase the accuracy of closest neighbor classification, the suggested approach employs Mahalanobis distance metric learning. To validate the feasibility and superiority of DGMN, a prototype comprising of an Android-based sensing unit and an Arduino-based wearable device is constructed. DGMN beats existing approaches in terms of detection accuracy and false alarm rates for unsafe driving behaviors, according to experimental data. Keyword: Internet of Vehicles, Gesture recognition, Image recognition, Intelligent transportation system, Vehicle to vehicle communication. - - . × ![]() Aneena Kurian, Rotney Roy Meckamalil "DRIVER GESTURE MONITORING AND NOTIFYING SYSTEM FOR ANALYZING THE VEHICULAR SAFETY " Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 18-26 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
- K. Harinath Reddy, D. Sai Krishna Kanth, Y. Sai Anusha, M. Naga Sai Manogna,
M. Raghavendra, Shaik Mohammed Idrees
This paper's primary goal is to present a structure for the design and modelling of a PV-wind hybrid system and its control techniques. These control strategies goal is to manage ongoing adjustments in the hybrid system's operational needs, including changes occurring in power. Power dependability in distribution systems is sustained through the delivery of energy. In this project, a hybrid PV and wind energy system was integrated to the designed hybrid model. To get the most from the designed system, strategies for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) have been presented. This project also concentrated on enhancing the hybrid system's stability. We provide a new control scheme call the distributed power flow controller (DPFC) operation with an optimization technique called the lion optimization algorithm (LOA) technique to advance the quality and transient stability of the planned system. The use of a DPFC controller in a grid-connected system led to the first development of this LOA control approach. Signals from the system's voltage and current parameters were used to build the control approach. This project applied fuzzy logic and lion optimization methods to fine-tune these parameters. The proposed controller-equipped system was evaluated in MATLAB/Simulink, and the outcomes be contrasted. Keyword: Distributed Power Flow Controller, Fuzzy logic controller, grid interconnected, Lion Optimization Algorithm, PV system and wind energy system. - - . × ![]() K. Harinath Reddy, D. Sai Krishna Kanth, Y. Sai Anusha, M. Naga Sai Manogna, M. Raghavendra, Shaik Mohammed Idrees "INTEGRATION OF DPFC AND FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER BASED GRID HYBRID SYSTEM FOR ENHANCED PERFORMANCE " Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 27-35 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
Auto Intensity Control Technology for Solar Street Lights and Feasibility Study with Traditional System in Bangladesh
- Md. Tanjil Sarker, Mohammed Jaber Alam, Mohammed Nasir Uddin
The world is moving towards green and sustainable energy. Thus, the current state of the art is renewable energy. Solar energy can be regarded as the most important renewable energy source for Bangladesh because we have sunshine and dry weather throughout the entire year. Street lighting is a vital public utility that offers pedestrians and other nighttime travellers with a safer environment. The electrical energy consumed by street lighting is a significant portion of the total energy consumed. The proper utilization of street lighting is a preventive measure that gives economic and social benefits to the populace. In many places of developing nations, there is a lack of adequate street lighting due to a lack of financial resources. Therefore, saving energy in street lighting is crucial for total energy savings. In several instances, it is known that street illumination levels are high. In case of low traffic volumes, the lighting settings are excessive and might be adjusted so that energy savings can be made. Solar street light cost comparisons between the traditional system and the auto intensity control system have been examined. It saved approximately 40 percent of electricity per street light. Therefore, around the world if we implement this notion then it will minimize the energy crisis to a higher extent. Keyword: Solar street lights, solar energy, auto intensity control, renewable energy, LED light & energy crisis. - - . × ![]() Md. Tanjil Sarker, Mohammed Jaber Alam, Mohammed Nasir Uddin "Auto Intensity Control Technology for Solar Street Lights and Feasibility Study with Traditional System in Bangladesh " Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 36-44 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
Tuning of a PID Controller to Control Overdamped Second-order-like Processes having Small Natural Frequencies
- Galal Ali Hassaan
This paper presents an effective tuning approach for PID controllers used to control overdamped second-order-like processes having small natural frequency up to 1 rad/s and damping ratio from 1 to 5. The MATLAB program is used through its optimization toolbox to tune the controller using the ITAE error-based criterion without any functional constraints. The tuning technique used is compared with another technique and the effectiveness of the controller is investigated. The effectiveness of the used optimization technique is outlined considering the possibility of kick elimination associated with PID controllers and providing a robust controller. Keyword: PID controller, controller tuning, overdamped second order process having small natural frequency, control system performance - - . × ![]() Galal Ali Hassaan " Tuning of a PID Controller to Control Overdamped Second-order-like Processes having Small Natural Frequencies " Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 45-50 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
IoT-Based System Using Fuzzy Logic Approach for Measuring Salt Quality
- Shaame Mshindo Bakar, Dr. Pierre Bakunzibake, Dr. Ngenzi Alexandre
The deficiency of quality salt concentration has become a challenge in Zanzibar. The production of sodium chloride salt from the seawater normally has the minimum level of concentration of about 85 to 90% in dry base, which is below of national and international standards requirements from 96 to 100%. The aim of the study is to design and prototype an IoT based system using fuzzy logic approach for measuring sodium chloride salt quality. The system includes with electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, pH sensors, Arduino Uno microcontroller, GSM and LCD screen display. The fuzzy logic approach was used for data analysis collected from sensors and transmitted to the ThingSpeak cloud server for process and analysis to get the output results. The implementation of this study was expected to measure and estimate the quality of sodium chloride salt, sending sms and email notification to user’s email and mobile phone for decision-making. The data were collected using an IoT system prototype and the results obtained from three samples. The average accuracy of the prototype system was about 99.7 percent with percentage error of about 0.3. Therefore, the use of IoT and fuzzy logic approach would be helpful for measuring of salt quality. Keyword: IoT Fuzzy logic Quality of salt QOS PPM - - . × ![]() Shaame Mshindo Bakar, Dr. Pierre Bakunzibake, Dr. Ngenzi Alexandre" IoT-Based System Using Fuzzy Logic Approach for Measuring Salt Quality " Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 51-63 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
- P. Anusha, M. Rakesh
The Software Defined Networks is a recent research area that has the initiative in the programmable network technologies and standards developed around 2010. These technologies are associated with networking software, using open interfaces to connect resources. The software defined networks are used to control the entities of the network by centralizing the control plane. The functioning of the network and its security has to be checked by the administrator manually, which may leads to great burden on the network administrator. In this paper we list the various security attacks on software defined network controllers that violate the network topology and also mounted by compromised network entities like end hosts and soft switches. The SDN’s are having the ability to provide network virtualization, greater control over network entities and dynamic network policy at reduced operational cost. There are some protocols like Open Flow to do this task. The next generation of research should involve in integration of all connectivity, processing resources and storage under new management interacting with controlling devices for on demand networking and services along with continuous updates and features. This brings into focus relatively key topics such as how to create the conditions for effective and continuous updating and changing the network functions without reinventing each time architectural aspects and related when we deal about security attacks. This paper presents architecture and the key challenges of programmable enabled networks as the next generation Software Defined Networks (SDN). This paper also looks the problem of detecting security attacks on topology of the network and traffic. Keyword: Programmable networks, Next generation SDN - - . × ![]() P. Anusha, M. Rakesh" PROGRAMMABLE NETWORK SERVICES IN NEXT GENERATION SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKS TO PREVENT SECURITY ATTACKS " Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 64-70 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
- Thatikanti Rajendar, Durgunala Ranjith
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology provides the transmission of data by using illumination of LED light. There are many wireless technologies available for transmission of data. Depending the number of devices connected to the wireless network ( Ex: Wi-Fi), the speed of data transmission becomes slow due to the bandwidth is shared among all the connected devices. The radio spectrum may not be available by 2020 for data transmission because the number of devices is increasing day by day. An alternative technique Light Fidelity was used to overcome these problems which were proposed by German Physicist Prof. Harald Haas. Li-Fi is a new technology in which visible light communication is used instead of radio waves. Li-Fi refers to 5G visible light communication systems and light emitting diodes(LED) are used as a high speed communication medium. Like in Wi-Fi radio waves, the light carriers cannot pass the signals through the walls. The Li-Fi works with simple principle, if LED is “ON” it transmit the signal as “1” otherwise it transmit the signal as “0”. There are several modulation schemes used by Li-Fi when we are transmitting the data via LED light beam. The data transmission rates may vary upto 10 Gbps depending on the type of LED. It is very critical to select the appropriate modulation technique for our data which may depend on the intensity of the light. This paper will present the different modulation techniques and its applications for transmitting the data through LED bulb and depending on the type of data and category of LED, analyze which modulation technique was suitable for respective data transmission. Keyword: LED, Digital Modulation, Multi-Carrier - - . × ![]() Thatikanti Rajendar, Durgunala Ranjith " DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUES AND ITS APPLICATIONS OF LIGHT FIDELITY (LI-FI) IN FIXED BROADBAND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS " Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 71-77 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
IJET-V9I1P10 |
- Martand Ratnam, Dr Santosh Kumar Shukla, Atul Kumar Singh, Kaushal Kumar, Dr Shwetav Sharad, Bharti Sharma, Ankit Tomer
Online Social Network being a significant media of interchanges and establishing relationships online. It is for the most part being affected by numerous elements a portion of those are, OSN client needs to manage unwanted posts or irrelevant, offensive statements on their walls. It might likewise contains casteism and political related bits of hearsay which might cause riots in the virtual entertainment. The client may be misdirected by posts on the wall that are phishing links, and the photographs that are spreading on the OSN wall might include secret messages. that are the work of some fear-mongering groups. To beat the above issues another proposed framework " Separation of Phish Links, Images, and Unwanted Messages on OSN Wall " a web-based application is suggested. The message separating innovation assists the OSN with walling client to keep away from receiving undesirable message from every one of the clients on informal communities. The phishing join identification innovation is use to get the OSN client from getting phishing joins and stay away from additional assaults. The framework likewise gives separating of pictures through steganography , that is recovering the concealed messages from the pictures. Keyword: Phish Links ,Filtered Images and Messages, Steganography, Online Social Network (OSN) - - . × ![]() Martand Ratnam, Dr Santosh Kumar Shukla, Atul Kumar Singh, Kaushal Kumar, Dr Shwetav Sharad, Bharti Sharma, Ankit Tomer " FILTERING OF IMAGES, PHISH LINKS AND UNSOLICITED CONTENT FROM ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORK USER WALL " Vol. 9 - Issue 1( 78-83 ) - January - February 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
IJET-V9I1P11 |
Threat Intelligence Integration in DevOps for Fintechs Security
- Anirudh Mustyala
The DevOps model is integral in facilitating fast development of fintech applications and infrastructures. However, due to focus on delivery speed and the lack of security culture in the model, applications churned out by DevOps teams are susceptible to vulnerabilities. Fintech companies can enhance the efficacy of DevOps teams to develop secure systems by assimilating various practices in the paradigm. Threat intelligence is one of the unique strategies DevOps can incorporate to enhance the security of their applications. This document discusses threat intelligence and how it can be integrated with DevOps to enhance fintech security. Keyword: DevOps, Data, Infrastructure,Fintech - - . × ![]() Anirudh Mustyala " Threat Intelligence Integration in DevOps for Fintechs Security " Vol. 9 - Issue 1 March 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
IJET-V9I1P12 |
The Future of Fintech Fraud Prevention: Innovations and Strategies
- Anirudh Mustyala
The fintech industry is one of the most targeted sectors by fraudsters. The unabated spread of fraud in the sector not only harms fintech companies but also the customers they serve. Fintechs can manage the proliferation of scams in their sector by adopting modern cybersecurity technologies such as blockchain, AI and ML, geo-fencing, and multi-factor authentication models. They can further enhance the effectiveness of these technologies in mitigating fraud by supplementing them with best cybersecurity practices such as screening customers at the onboarding phase, monitoring their systems 24/7, screening all transactions for suspicious behavior, updating their systems regularly, and complying with KYC and AML regulations Keyword: Fintech, Fraud, AI&ML,Data,General - - . × ![]() Anirudh Mustyala " The Future of Fintech Fraud Prevention: Innovations and Strategies " Vol. 9 - Issue 1 2023 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
IJET-V9I1P13 |
Workday Prism Analytics: Transforming Data Integration and Business Intelligence.
Santosh Kumar Vududala
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IJET-V9I1P14 |