Submit your paper : Paper Title : An Approach on the Impact of Resource Allocation in Cloud Data Centers to Manage Load Balancing ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2022 10.5281/zenodo.7326164 MLA Style: -Tanuja Sharma, Swati Soni An Approach on the Impact of Resource Allocation in Cloud Data Centers to Manage Load Balancing , Volume 8 - Issue 6 November - December 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: -Tanuja Sharma, Swati Soni An Approach on the Impact of Resource Allocation in Cloud Data Centers to Manage Load Balancing , Volume 8 - Issue 6 November - December 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract For delivering the cloud services over the internet, cloud computing has become proficient infrastructural model for hosting cloud services. Server virtualization is key technology that enables cloud computing as a service, which authorizes dynamic sharing of physical resources. Virtualization introduces the problem of virtual machine placement that increases the overheads in load balancing. Existing infrastructure needs the strategy for the VM Placement as it may create poor allocation and load balancing issues. In most of the cases, due to lack of input parameters physical machines are partially loaded that creates issue of fragmentation which leads to in sufficient resources that causes more utilization of physical machines in any infrastructure. We did extensive survey in the said domain and found that, In load balancing approach, when VM place mentis done without measuring its lifetime, that creates fragments on PM. So we propose dynamic priority based spill over technique and add the concept of short life/long life container for solving the fragmentation issue. 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