Submit your paper : Paper Title : FABRICATION AND A REVIEW ON THE USAGE OF AQUASILENCER ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2022 10.5281/zenodo.7112914 MLA Style: -V K NITHIN FABRICATION AND A REVIEW ON THE USAGE OF AQUASILENCER , Volume 8 - Issue 5 September - October 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: - V K NITHIN FABRICATION AND A REVIEW ON THE USAGE OF AQUASILENCER , Volume 8 - Issue 5 September - October 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are very useful and important energy sources. The environment comes at a price, so it's important to understand the sources and chemicals that pollute and how to minimize their impact. Pollutants from fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas, etc.) burning in power plants and automobiles include carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and photochemical reactions that produce ozone and other noxious irritants. may generate From catalytic converters in automobiles to desulfurization of petroleum-based fuels and flue gases, pollution reduction methods are described. Diesel engines, among fossil fuels, play an important role in road, marine transportation, agriculture, mining and many other industries. Also, as mentioned above, there are some problems caused by pollution caused by diesel engines, mainly due to industry. This project is an attempt to reduce the level of pollutants in diesel engine exhaust before it is released into the atmosphere. Also, the systems we develop can be used in diesel generators that can be used in combustible atmospheres such as refineries, chemical processing industries, open pit mines and other enclosed areas. And the name we're developing suggests that, as the name suggests, it acts on a water medium that aids chemical reactions and helps reduce the noise produced by the engine. Reference 1. Aqua silencer Harshit Saraswat Poornima University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Available online at:, 2. Sukumar P., Vedaraman N., Sankaranarayanan G., Bopanna V. and Bharat R. (2005). Performance and emission study of mahua oil (madhucaindica oil) ethyl ester in a four stroke natural aspirated direct injection diesel engine. Renewable Energy, 30(8), 1269-1278. 10. 3. Ayhan D. (2005). Biodiesel production from vegetable oils via catalytic and non-catalytic supercritical methanol transesterification methods. Prog in Energy and Combustion Science, 31(5), 466-487. 4. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research. ISSN 2249-0019 Volume 5, Number 2 (December, 2015), pp. 211-221 © Research India Publications 5. Sharad R. Mahajan “Air Pollution from I.C. 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