Submit your paper : editorIJETjournal@gmail.com ![]() ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2022 ![]() ![]() ![]() MLA Style: -Thejaswini M N, Prashanth S, Bharath M N STUDY OF MECHANICAL AND WEAR BEHAVIOR OF MOS2 FILLED GLASS EPOXY COMPOSITES , Volume 8 - Issue 4 July- August 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org APA Style: - Thejaswini M N, Prashanth S, Bharath M N STUDY OF MECHANICAL AND WEAR BEHAVIOR OF MOS2 FILLED GLASS EPOXY COMPOSITES , Volume 8 - Issue 4 July- August 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org Abstract Glass fiber reinforced polymer composites find widespread applications these days in hostile environments due to their several advantages like high wear resistance, strength-to-weight ratio, and low cost. The performance of the composites can further be improved by adding particulate fillers to them. To this end, this work Molybdenum disulphide (MOS2) as a filler material in a polymer matrix to assess the wear resistance of polymer composite. The present work includes the study of mechanical properties like tensile, flexure and hardness, sliding wear behaviors, and wear behavior of bi-directional glass fiber reinforced epoxy composites with and without filler. The wear of the composites with 0, 5, and 10% MOS2 filler have been evaluated The mechanical properties of tensile, flexure, and hardness of the composite material has no influence on tensile, flexural and hardness properties of the material and wear loss decreases with increases Molybdenum disulphide filler percentage. Reference [1] K.V. Pool, C.K.H. Dharan, I. Finnie, Erosive wear of composite materials, wear 107(1986) 1-12 [2] S.M. Kulkarni, Kishore, Influnce of matrix modification on the solid particle erosion of glass/epoxy composites, Polym. Polym. Compos. 9(2001) 25-30. [3] H.A. Aglan. T.A. Chenock, Erosion damage features of polyimide thermoset composites, SAMPEQ 24 (1993) 41-47. [4] Pascoe, M. W. (1973). Plain and Filled Plastics Materials in Bearing: A Review, Tribology, 6(5): 184–190. [5] Lancaster, J. K. (1972). Polymer Based Bearing Materials: The Role of Fillers and Fiber Reinforcement, Tribology, 5 (6): 249– 255. [6] Briscoe, B. J. and Tabor, D. (1980). The Sliding Wear of Polymers: a Brief Review, In: Suh, N. P. and Sako, K. (eds), Fundamentals of Tribology, p.733. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. [7] Bijwe, J., Tewari, U. S. and Vasudevan, P. (1989). Friction and Wear Studies of Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Polythermide Composites, Wear, 132 (2): 247–264. [8] Viswanath, B., Verma, A. P. and Kameswara Rao, C. V. S. (1992). Effect of Matrix Content on Strength and Wear of Woven Roving Glass Polymeric Composites, Comp. Sci. Tech., 44 (1): 77–86. [9] Srivastava, V. K. and Pathak, J. P. (1996). Friction and Wear Properties of Bushing Bearing of Graphite Filled Short Glass Fiber Composites in Dry Sliding, Wear, 197 (1–2): 145–150. [10] Wypych, G. (2000). Handbook of Fillers, Chem. Tech. Publ., Toronto, Ont., Canada. [11] Hollaway, L. (1994). Handbook of Polymer Composites for Engineers, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, England. [12] Briscoe, B. J., Pogosion, A. K. and Tabor, D. (1974). The Friction and Wear of High Density Polyethylene: the Action of Lead Oxide and Copper Oxide Fillers, Wear, 27 (1): 19–34. [13] Tanaka, K. (1986). Effect of Various Fillers on the Friction and Wear of PTFE-based Composites. In: Friedrich, K. (ed.), Friction and Wear of Polymer composites, Vol. 205, pp. 137–174. Elsevier, Amsterdam. [14] Srivastava, V. K., Pathak, J. P. and Tahzibi, K. (1992). Wear and Friction Characteristics of Mica Filled Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Wear, 152 (2): 343–350. [15] Kishore, Sampathkumaran, P., Seetharamu, S., Vynatheya, S., Murali, A., and Kumar R. K. (2000). SEM Observations of the Effect of Velocity and Load on the Slide Wear Characteristics Glass–Fabric–Epoxy Composites with Different Fillers, Wear, 237 (1): 20–27. [16] 13. Bahadur, S. Gong, D. and Anderegg, J. W. (1992). The Role of Copper Composites as Fillers in the Transfer Film Formation and Wear of Nylon, Wear, 154 (2): 207–223. [17] 14. Wang, J., Gu, M., Songhao and Ge, S. (2003). The Role of the Influence of MoS2 on the Tribological Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Nylon 1010 Composites, Wear, 255 (1–6): 774–779. Keywords — Composites, Fillers, Tensile strength, Wear behavior, Flexural and Hardness. |