Submit your paper : Paper Title : Innovation of Internet of Things (IoT) in Medical and Health Care ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2022 10.5281/zenodo.6784205 MLA Style: - Puja Johari, Nikita N. Ugale, Manisha V. Dhaybar , Innovation of Internet of Things (IoT) in Medical and Health Care , Volume 8 - Issue 3 May - June 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: - Puja Johari, Nikita N. Ugale, Manisha V. Dhaybar , Innovation of Internet of Things (IoT) in Medical and Health Care , Volume 8 - Issue 3 May - June 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract Now Days billion of devices are connected through the IOT. Internet of Things, a revolutionary invention, is always transforming into some different kind of hardware and software making it inescapable for whole world. The type of communication that we see today is human-to-device, but the Internet of Things (IoT) promises a great future for the internet where the type of communication is machine-to-machine (M2M). The Internet of Things (IoT) is defined as a paradigm in which computers, sensor, network and control devices processors communicate with each other to serve a meaningful and smart system to the all domain in our daily life. In this paper we discussed different application of IoT to make tings smarter and more automated for easier use. Internet of Things (IoT) technology has become the essential part of healthcare industry. This has improved the patient safety with reduced cost and enhanced accessibility to the medical services. This technology uses various sensors and devices to continuously monitor the health condition of patient. This collected information of the patient is then analysed so that disease can be predicted earlier. This early detection of disease helps doctor for the treatments. Reference 1. IoT in Healthcare Industry | IoT Applications in Healthcare - Wipro 2. Internet of Things (IoT) enabled healthcare helps to take the challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic - ScienceDirect 3. article_6279_51d459f50975217796e03c4d54bc2e0e.pdf ( 4. M.M. Dhanvijay and S.C. Patil, “Internet of Things: a survey of enabling technologies in healthcare and its applications, Computer Networks, vol. 153, pp. 113–131, 2019. 5. Shah Nazir, Yasir Ali, Naeem Ullah, and Iv´anGarc´ıa-Magariño, “Internet of Things for Healthcare Using Effects of Mobile Computing: A Systematic Literature Review”, Hindawi Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Article ID 5931315, 20 pages, Volume 2019. 6. Mohammad Dawood Babakerkhell, Nitin Pandey, “Analysis of Different IOT Based Healthcare Monitoring Systems”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-6S2, April 2019. 7. Saranya. E, Maheswaran. T, “IoT Based Disease Prediction and Diagnosis System for Healthcare”, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR) | Volume 7, Issue 2 | ISSN: 2321-9939, pp.232-237, 2019. Keywords - IOT, Internet of Things, Sensor, Actuators, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, RFID |