Submit your paper : Paper Title : DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF GOODS ELEVATOR ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2022 10.5281/zenodo.6625105 MLA Style: - S.Karthick, P.Nisanth, L.Vaishnavi, Mr.C.Mohankumar M.E..,, DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF GOODS ELEVATOR , Volume 8 - Issue 3 May - June 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: - S.Karthick, P.Nisanth, L.Vaishnavi, Mr.C.Mohankumar M.E..,, DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF GOODS ELEVATOR , Volume 8 - Issue 3 May - June 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract In our project to design the goods elevator based on cabin. It’s useful to the transportation of component one place to another place in manufacturing industry. The conventional steel cabin is replaced by new steel model design. The Goods lifts design created in Solid Works software and structural analysis in Ansys software. Reference 1. Amaresh Kuntanahal Rajashekhar, Raghavendra Joshi (September 2017) “Analysis and Design Optimization of Multi Arm Lift” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 5 Issue IX, pp. 1152 to1159 2. Cengiz Görkem Dengiz, Mahmut Can Şenel, Kemal Yıldızl, Erdem Koç (2018) “Design and Analysis of Scissor Lifting System by Using Finite Elements Method” Universal Journal of Materials Science, pp. 58 to63. 3. Chougule, Wadia, Kotecha, Phantaki (2018) “Design and Structural Analysis of Platform Stair Lift Using Finite Element Method”, IOSR Journal ofEngineering, pp. 10 to17 4. Divyesh Prafulla Ubale, Alan Francy, Sherje (March 2015) “Design, Analysis and Development of Multiutility home equipment using Scissor Lift Mechanism” International Journal of scientific research and management, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 2405 to2408 Keywords - DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF GOODS ELEVATOR |