Submit your paper : Paper Title : CERTAIN INVESTIGATION OF MONITORING SYSTEM IN TRANSPORTS USING IOT ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2022 10.5281/zenodo.6607906 MLA Style: - Dr.P.RAMESHKUMAR M.Tech,Ph.D, Brindha G, Priyadharshini K, Yuvarani M, CERTAIN INVESTIGATION OF MONITORING SYSTEM IN TRANSPORTS USING IOT , Volume 8 - Issue 3 May - June 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: - Dr.P.RAMESHKUMAR M.Tech,Ph.D, Brindha G, Priyadharshini K, Yuvarani M, CERTAIN INVESTIGATION OF MONITORING SYSTEM IN TRANSPORTS USING IOT , Volume 8 - Issue 3 May - June 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract Innovations and technology will make our life became much easier now a days. We are working on developing a college bus monitoring system using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification technology). Our project is about controller and RFID based displaying and updating bus management system based on IoT and embedded system, to achieve automatically display and manage the bus database details with bus name or number, entry and exit time of the specific vehicle alongside date without the need for manual operation. It is part of intelligent transportation, at the same time the use of auto data base management, to reduce the work load of the bus management system, microcontroller was used to receive and send the data, then the data is communicated to the IoT module. For every vehicle RFID tag will be given. In gate the RFID readers are located. Using reader tag, information is retrieved. The serial number of each tag is associated with each transport’s database. With the help of the system RFID and the Internet of Things, the transports monitoring will be easy to access; through the accuracy and reliability of the data, the system gives accurate information to the administrator of transports. The proposed system can inform in charge of transports whether the bus is arriving on time, early or late. Reference [1] Ran Hee Jeong, and Laurence R. Rilett (2004) “The Prediction of Bus Arrival Time Using AVL Data”, Transportation Research Board 83rd Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. [2] H. Isredza Rahmi, Comparative study on RFID, hotspot and car plate scanning method : for intelligent parking management system. masters thesis, University Technology MARA. 2005. [3] Urachada Ketprom, Chaichana Mitrpant, Putchapan Lowjun, “Closing Digital Gap on RFID Usage for Better Farm Management”, PICMET 2007, 5-9 August 07. [4] QIN, K., XING, J., CHEN, G., WANG, L., QIN, J. “The design of Intelligent Bus Movement Monitoring and Station Reporting System”, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, Qingdao, China, September 2008, p. 2822-2827. [5] Longer O. (2009),“Implementation of Student Attendance System using RFID Technology”, B. Tech Project Report, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Nigeria. [6] Mohamed A.B, Abdel-Hamid A and Mohammed K.Y.,(2009), ”Implementation of an Improved secure system detection for E passport by using EPC RFID tags”, World Academy of Science. [7] Ben Ammar Hatem, Hamam Habib, “Bus Management System Using RFID in WSN”, European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems. [2010]. [8] A. HANNAN, A. M. MUSTAPHA, A. HUSSAIN and H. BASRI, “Intelligent Bus Monitoring and Management System”, CECS 2012, October 24-26, 2012, San Francisco, USA. [9] Kumar,Chaturvedula.U.P,M.Tech,EmbeddedSystems, RFID Based Embedded System for Vehicle Tracking and Prevention of Road Accidents ,International Journal of Engineering Research&Technology (IJERT)Vol. 1 Issue 6, August-2012. [10] Anwar Al-Lawati, Shaikha Al-Jahdami, Asia Al-Belushi, Dalal Al-Adawi, Medhat Awadalla and Dawood Al-Abri. “RFID- based System for School Children Transportation Safety Enhancement”. [2015]. [11] Akshay S. Kyatam, P. A. M. M. A. A. K. [2015]. “Tracking and Scheduling of State Transport Bus using RFID”. International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, 4(05). Retrieved from [12] International Journal of computer Application (0975-8887) Volume 168-No.3, June 2017 Intelligent Bus Monitoring System Neha Shinde & Saniya Ansari. [13] M. K. Sangole and Sakshi S. Kedar and Pallavi B Phad and Sanket V Salunke. “RFID BASED TRANSPORT MONITERING SYSTEMS: A Technical Review”, [2018]. [14] PRARTHANA. S, NIVETHA.R, K. POORNIMATHI. [2020]. “IoT Based Bus Entry Monitoring System Using RFID”. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing - IJCSMC (Vol.9, No. 5). Keywords - RFID Technology, IoT, Transport Monitoring. |