Submit your paper : editorIJETjournal@gmail.com ![]() ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2022 ![]() ![]() ![]() MLA Style: - B. Bhuvaneswari M.E/AP, G.Gowsalya, M.Susmitha, K.Kirthika, TRAFFIC LESS SYSTEM FOR AMBULANCES IN SMART CITIES , Volume 8 - Issue 3 May - June 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org APA Style: - B. Bhuvaneswari M.E/AP, G.Gowsalya, M.Susmitha, K.Kirthika, TRAFFIC LESS SYSTEM FOR AMBULANCES IN SMART CITIES , Volume 8 - Issue 3 May - June 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org Abstract A microcontroller based intelligent traffic control system is used in this paper. Rather of changing traffic lights automatically for a given interval, this system allows passing the vehicles considering the number of vehicles on the roads. An At mega 32 microcontroller and infrared detectors (IR detectors) are used to apply the traffic system and an algorithm is also developed for this purpose. The appropriateness of using the roads of different metropolises confirmed by the results from the simulation and experimental test rig. No further reprocessing scheme is needed for this intelligent traffic control system. This design is more suitable, whenever the ambulance will come to particular way that time, suddenly the Green light will glow in traffic signal, also that time if any other. vehicle tried to cross the road means that time Spike system will get ON to damage that particular vehicle Tires. Traffic light control systems are extensively used to watch and control the flow of automobiles through the junction of numerous roads. They aim to realize smooth motion of buses in the transportation routes. Still, the synchronization of multiple traffic light systems at adjacent corners is a complicated problem given the various parameters involved. Conventional systems don't handle variable overflows approaching the junctions. In addition, the collective interference between adjacent traffic light. systems, the difference of buses flow with time, the accidents, the passage of emergency vehicles, and the pedestrian crossing aren't enforced in the Being traffic system. This leads to traffic jam and congestion. We propose a system based on Arduino UNO that evaluates the traffic consistency using IR detectors and accomplishes dynamic timing slots with different situations. Also, a movable regulator device is designed to break the problem of emergency vehicles stuck in the overcrowded roads. The negative impact on economy, the environment and the overall quality of life happens due to traffic congestion. Hence it takes more time to manage the traffic congestion problem. There are various styles available for traffic operation similar as videotape data analysis, infrared detectors, inductive loop detection, wireless detector network, etc. All these styles are effective styles of smart traffic operation. But the installation time, the cost incurred for the installation and conservation of the system is very high. Hence a new technology, which can be coupled with the being signaling system that can act as a key to smart traffic operation in real time. This new technology has required lower time for installation with lower costs as compared to other methods of traffic congestion operation. This new technology has led to reduced business traffic. Bottlenecks has been detected early and hence early preventative measures can be taken therefore saving time and money of the driver. Reference [1] Girish H. R , J. Vinay Kumar , Kumara Swamy N. R , Sachin Kumar. 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