Submit your paper : Paper Title : E-Government System for Park Use Permission Services with a CRM Approach at the Tangerang City Government ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2022 10.5281/zenodo.6449838 MLA Style: -Imam Halim Mursyidin, Dede Irawan, Doni Prasetyo, E-Government System for Park Use Permission Services with a CRM Approach at the Tangerang City Government, Volume 8 - Issue 2 March - April,2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: -Imam Halim Mursyidin, Dede Irawan, Doni Prasetyo, E-Government System for Park Use Permission Services with a CRM Approach at the Tangerang City Government, Volume 8 - Issue 2 March - April,2022 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract The Department of Culture and Tourism, Park and Decoration of the City of Tangerang is a Regional Apparatus Organization that focuses on service to the citizens in terms of Park and decoration in the City of Tangerang. The Department of Culture and Tourism is required to provide maximum service to the citizens. However, in reality, there are still some services that have not been running optimally, one of which is the permission service for the use of parks and green lanes. Existing services still use convoluted procedures because they have not used technology optimally. Therefore, the author conducted research to solve this problem. The results that the authors get is the design of an e-Government system with the concept of a Customer Touching System so that people can do permission administration online. With this system, the process of providing technical recommendations from The Department of Culture and Tourism will take less time. In addition, there are problems with park management. Starting from the cleanliness of the park that is not maintained, the facilities are inadequate. Therefore, with a Customer Relationship Management approach, it is hoped that it can help park management to fix parks in Tangerang City. Reference 1] Al-Shammari, & Mallouh, M. (2011). CustomerCentric Knowledge Management: Concepts and Applications. Hershey: IGI Global. [2] Buttle, F. (2012). Customer Relationship Management Concept and Technologies (Second) [3] Buttle, F., & Maklan, S. (2015). Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies (Third Edit). New York: Routledge. [4] Farooqi, R., & Dhusia, D. K. (2011). A Comparative Study Of CRM And E-CRM Technologies. Computer Science and Engineering, 2(4), 624–627. [5] Fjermestad, J., & Jr, N. C. R. (2015). Electronic Customer Relationship Management. New York: Routledge. [6] Gaspersz, V. (2012). All-in-one Marketing Excellence. Bogor: Vinchristo Publication. [7] Ghozali, Imam., & Handayaningsih, Sri. (2014). Pembuatan Model Customer Relationship Management (CRM) E-Government di Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan D.I.Y. [8] Gunawan, Cakti Indra. (2015). Sistem Informasi Manajemen dan E-Government (Edisi Pertama). Malang: CV.IRDH. [9] O’Brien, & Marakas. (2011). Management Information System (10 Edition). United States [10] Inayatulloh, & Sukandi, A. (2010). Perancangan Aplikasi e-CRM pada PT Manfuku Sejahtera Indonesia. ComTech. Keywords -Customer Relationship Management, e-Government, Park. |