Submit your paper : editorIJETjournal@gmail.com ![]() ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2021 ![]() ![]() ![]() MLA Style: -JAYARAM S AND Mrs.JEGIDHA K J , ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF MULTI-STOREY BUILDING WITH GRID SLAB USING ETABS" " Volume 7 - Issue 6 November - December,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org APA Style: - JAYARAM S AND Mrs.JEGIDHA K J " ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF MULTI-STOREY BUILDING WITH GRID SLAB USING ETABS " Volume 7 - Issue 6 November - December,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , www.ijetjournal.org Abstract Grid floor systems consist of beams spaced at regular intervals in perpendicular directions, monolithic with slab. They are generally employed for architectural reasons for large rooms such as auditoriums, vestibules, theatre halls, show rooms of shops where column free space is often the main requirement. In present study, “Analysis and Design of multi-storey building with grid slab using ETABS” is carried out and parameters like quantity of concrete, quantity of steel, bending moment, shear force and displacement of grid slab is considered .In the present study, G+6 Building is considered and analysis and design is done for both Gravity and lateral (earth quake and wind) loads. The analysis and design of slab system is done as per IS 456-2000 and IS 1983-2002.The rectangular or square void formed in the ceiling is advantageously utilized for concealed architectural lighting. The sizes of the beams running in perpendicular directions are generally kept the same. Instead of rectangular beam grid considered here a diagonal. And this is compared with the flat slab. Reference 1. IS: 875-1987. ‘Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquakes) for Buildings and Structures, (2nd revision).’ Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi 2. IS: 456-2000. ‘Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design of reinforced concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi 3. Design of Reinforced concrete structures by S. Ramamrutham and R. Narayanan, 17 th edition Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company. 4. User manual for E tabs. 5. A Sathawane R.S Deotale 'Analysis and design of flat and grid slab and their comparison, international journal of engineering Research and their applications volume 1. Issue.3.PP 837- 848. 6. Baishali Das Static and dynamic analysis of grid beams, project report of Bachelor of technology, Deportment of civil engineering ,National institute of technology Rourkila 21010. 7. N. krishnaraju, Advanced reinforced concrete design (IS 456-2000)(CBS publications and distributors, CBS plaza, New Delhi) 8. Ibrahim vepari, Dr.H.S Patrl, study on economical aspects of long span slabs, 13- 14 may 2000. 9. Charles, E. Reynolds and James C. Steedman Reinforced concrete design handbook (E&FM span Taylor and Francis cgroup 1988). 10. P. F. Schwetz, F. P. S. L. Gastal, L. C. P. Silva F, Numerical and Experimental Study of a Real Scale Waffle Slab, IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal • 2009 • vol. 2, No.4, p. 380 - 403 • ISSN 1983-4195 11. S. Timoshenko and S. WoinowskyKrieger Theory of plates and shell (McGraw-Hill Book Company) 12. S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier Theory of Elasticity (McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1951). 13. Charles E Reynolds and James C. Steedman, Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook (E and F N Spon Taylor and Francis Group, 1988) [8] IS: 456, “Code of practice for plain and R.C. Structures”, (Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. 2000). 14. I.S.875 Part-I, Part-II (Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi,1987). 15. John J Panak and Hudson Matlock, A Discrete Element Method of Analysis for Orthogonal Slab and Grid Bridge Floor System, (Research No 56-25, Development Methods for Computer Simulation of Beam Columns And Grid Beam And Slab System Research Project 3-5-63-56, Center for Highway Research, The University of Texas At Austin 1972). 16. Baishali Das Static And Dynamic Analysis Of Grid Beams, Project report for Bachelor of Technology, Department of civil engineering, National Institute of technology, Rourkela 2010 Keywords - |