Submit your paper : Paper Title : An Implementation of Solar PV Array Based Multifunctional EV Charger ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2021 10.29126/23951303/IJET-V7I3P29 MLA Style: - S. Srikanta Deekshit,D. Saikrishna kanth,P.Dastagiri ,A. Jayanth Naidu,G.Shiva Kumar,C.Sai Praneeth Kumar Reddy , " An Implementation of Solar PV Array Based Multifunctional EV Charger " Volume 7 - Issue 3 May - June,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: -S. Srikanta Deekshit,D. Saikrishna kanth,P.Dastagiri ,A. Jayanth Naidu,G.Shiva Kumar,C.Sai Praneeth Kumar Reddy , " An Implementation of Solar PV Array Based Multifunctional EV Charger " Volume 7 - Issue 3 May - June,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract - The charger is enabled to operate autonomously using a PV array for providing an uninterruptible charging and power to household loads. However, in the absence of the PV array or insufficient PV array generation, the grid connected mode of operation is presented. Moreover, the charger is supported with the synchronization and seamless mode switching control, so that the charger automatically connects/disconnects from the grid without disturbing the EV charging and household supply. The charger is also enabled with the vehicleto-grid (V2G) active/reactive power support to the grid and vehicle-to-home (V2H) power transfer for supporting the local loads in an islanded condition. Reference [1] J. R. Aguero, E. Takayesu, D. Novosel and R. Masiello, “Modernizing the Grid: Challenges and Opportunities for a Sustainable Future,” IEEEPower and Energy Magazine, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 74-83, May-June 2017. [2] D. Bowermaster, M. Alexander and M. Duvall, “The Need for Charging: Evaluating utility infrastructures for electric vehicles while providing customer support,” IEEE Electrifi. Mag., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 59-67, 2017 [3] X. Lu and J. Wang, “A Game Changer: Electrifying Remote Communities by Using Isolated Microgrids,” IEEE Electrifi. Mag., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 56- 63, June 2017. [4] T. Ma and O. A. Mohammed, “Optimal Charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles for a CarPark Infrastructure,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicat., vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 2323-2330, JulyAug. 2014. [5] L. Cheng, Y. Chang and R. Huang, “Mitigating Voltage Problem in Distribution System With Distributed Solar Generation Using Electric Vehicles,” IEEE Trans. Sust. Ene, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1475-1484, Oct. 2015. [6] S. J. Gunter, K. K. Afridi and D. J. Perreault, “Optimal Design of Grid- Connected PEV Charging Systems With Integrated Distributed Resources,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 956-967, 2013. [7] A. S. Satpathy, N. K. Kishore, D. Kastha and N. C. Sahoo, “Control Scheme for a Stand-Alone Wind Energy Conversion System,” IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 418-425, June 2014.Nov. 2018. [8] O. Erdinc, N. G. Paterakis, T. D. P. Mendes, A. G. Bakirtzis and J. P. S. Catalão, “Smart Household Operation Considering BiDirectional EV and ESS Utilization by RealTime Pricing-Based DR,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1281-1291, May 2015. [9] H. R. Baghaee, M. Mirsalim, G. B. Gharehpetian and H. A. Talebi, “A Decentralized Power Management and Sliding Mode Control Strategy for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids including Renewable Energy Resources,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics. Early Access. [10] Z. Yi, W. Dong and A. H. Etemadi, “A Unified Control and Power Management Scheme for PV-Battery-Based Hybrid Microgrids for Both Grid-Connected and Islanded Modes,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 5975-5985, Nov. 2018 Keywords — Electric vehicle, bi-directional charger, solar PV generation, reactive power, power quality. |