Submit your paper : Paper Title : Modern Health Evaluating System ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2021 10.29126/23951303/IJET-V7I3P19 MLA Style: - Kartik Joshi, Bhavishya Muralidharan, Shikha, Harsh Kumar Maurya, Dr. Surender Dhiman , " Modern Health Evaluating System " Volume 7 - Issue 3 May - June,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: -Kartik Joshi, Bhavishya Muralidharan, Shikha, Harsh Kumar Maurya, Dr. Surender Dhiman , " Modern Health Evaluating System " Volume 7 - Issue 3 May - June,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract - Life used to be a chase for perfection and top positions. In the course of accomplishing the same, we forgot the saying “Health is wealth” and just kept acing betterment in our careers. But the Covid-19 pandemic has taught all, the importance of life and living. Nowadays everyone is looking for ways to keep good health. The quality of human life can be improved with the advancing technology and miniaturization of sensors using Internet of Things (IoT). To enable check-up of the health parameters at home, this project has taken the assistance of Arduino UNO and ESP 8266 Wi-Fi Module as its main components to interface devices. The OLED Display has been used to display the readings obtained on the pulse rate sensor and LM35 temperature sensor. The pulse rate sensor is responsible for calculating the heart beats. While the LM35 serves the purpose of finding temperature. Along with this, the data from the two devices, pulse rate sensor and temperature sensor has been recorded in real time on the ThingSpeak platform, which will help in graphically determining the data so obtained. Designing a Remote Patient Health Monitoring System to diagnose the health condition of the patient is the aim. Thereby this prototype will aid in dedicated assistance to the healthcare sector, by allowing everyone to monitor their health parameters at home before queuing up in hospitals. Reference 1. Shivleela Patil, Dr. Sanjay Pardeshi, “Health Monitoring system using IoT,” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),vol. 5()4,pp. 1678- 1682, April 2018. 2. Massimo Ancona , Andrea Dellacasa , Giorgio Delzanno , Andrea La Camera and IvanoRellini, “An “Internet of Things” Vision of the Flood Monitoring Problem,” AMBIENT 2015 : The Fifth InternationalConference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, pp. 26 –29, July 2015. 3. C.Senthamilarasi, J.Jansi Rani, B.Vidhya, H.Aritha, “A SMART PATIENT HEALTH MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 119 (16), pp. 59-70, 2018 4. Shubham Banka, Isha Madan and S.S. Saranya, “Smart Healthcare Monitoring using IoT,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,vol. 13(15), pp. 11984- 11989, 2018. 5. Adelina Basholli, Thomas Lagkas, Peter A Bath, and George Eleftherakis, “Sensor-based platforms for remote management of chronic diseases in developing regions: A qualitative approach examining the perspectives of healthcare professionals,”Health Informatics Jounal, January 2021 Keywords — — Internet of Things (IoT), Arduino UNO, ESP 8266 Wi-Fi Module, OLED, Pulse Rate Sensor, LM35 Temperature Sensor, ThingSpeak Platform |