Submit your paper : Paper Title : Determination of Error in Point of Inflexion formula for Fixed Beam by Unit Load Method ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2021 10.29126/23951303/IJET-V7I2P14 MLA Style: -AK. MD MUBARAK B.E., (M.E) , " Determination of Error in Point of Inflexion formula for Fixed Beam by Unit Load Method " Volume 7 - Issue 2 March - April,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: -AK. MD MUBARAK B.E., (M.E) , " Determination of Error in Point of Inflexion formula for Fixed Beam by Unit Load Method " Volume 7 - Issue 2 March - April,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract - The unit load method is used for determination of error in point of inflexion formula in fixed beam. This method is very easy for check the accuracy and calculates the error in location of point of contra-flexure formula in the fixed beam by application of unit load Reference 1. R.NARAYAN AND S.RAMAMRUTHAM, “STRENGTH OF MATERIALS”, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2011. 2. R.S.KHURMI AND N.KHURMI, “STRENGTH OF MATERIALS”, S Chand Publication, 2019. 3. DR.R.K.BANSAL, “STRENGTH OF MATERIALS”, Laxmi Publication, 2011. 4. R.K.RAJPUT, “STRENGTH OF MATERIALS”, S Chand Publication, 2015. Keywords - Errors in point of Contra-flexure for fixed beam/built in beam, point of contra-flexure for U.V.L |