Submit your paper : Paper Title : SAFETY IMPACT ON ACCESSES IN TWO LANE HIGHWAY ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2021 10.29126/23951303/IJET-V7I1P14 MLA Style: -Er.K.Vijaya Lakshmi(Ph.D), Dr.P.Bhanu Murthy , " SAFETY IMPACT ON ACCESSES IN TWO LANE HIGHWAY " Volume 7 - Issue 1 January - February,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: -Er.K.Vijaya Lakshmi(Ph.D), Dr.P.Bhanu Murthy , " SAFETY IMPACT ON ACCESSES IN TWO LANE HIGHWAY " Volume 7 - Issue 1 January - February,2021 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract - The title” Safety Impact on Accesses in Two Lane Highway” is very important subject. It varies between developing and developed countries. In fact, India is one classified under developing country. In other words, Europe and USA, Canada, Australia comes under developed countries. The speed, type of the vehicle and road system will be varying a lot. In this paper, safety is impact is highlighted Reference 1. Google searches -2019 SB Shankar Rao Paper Publications. 2. Civil Engineering Khanna Hand Book – 2018. 3. Highway Engineering Book by Khanna -2017. 4. IRC codes -2016. 5. Middleton G. “Marking of Edge lines on Narrow Pavements in Australia Road Research” 1976 No.4-pp25- 31. 6. Basile A.J. Effect of Pavement Edge markings on Traffic Accidents in Kansas in Highway Research Board Bulletin 308 Washington DC 1962 pp80-86. 7. Musick J.V. “Effect of Pavement edge marking on Two lane Rural state highways in OH10 in Highway Research Board bulletin 2.66 Washington D.C.1960 -pp1-7. 8. Thomas 1.1 Taylor “WT.I Effect of Edge striping on Traffic operations” in Highway Research Board Bulletin 246 Washington DC1960 pp11-15. Keywords impact, safety, vehicle, two lane highway accesses. |