Submit your paper : Paper Title : Distinct Motor Differential Protection Patterns and their Peculiarity’s ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2020 10.29126/23951303/IJET-V6I6P1 MLA Style: -V. Mani Krishna Kishore " Distinct Motor Differential Protection Patterns and their Peculiarity’s" Volume 6 - Issue 6(1-6) November - December,2020 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: -V. Mani Krishna Kishore " Distinct Motor Differential Protection Patterns and their Peculiarity’s" Volume 6 - Issue 6(1-6) November - December,2020 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract - Motors are estimated to be one of the most numerous components of the electric power system. As the device that takes electrical energy and converts it to the mechanical energy needed to power processes, a motor that is unnecessarily out of service can bring an entire process to a halt, resulting in a significant loss of revenue. Conversely, the expense and time to replace a large motor damaged beyond repair mean that failing to quickly and dependably protect a motor is also a concern. Because there are many common failure modes (mechanical, electrical, thermal, and so on), root-cause analysis of a motor failure can be involved. This paper investigates several real-world events with data from both motor starting reports and event records. The data demonstrate the value of having devices capable of recording motor data during starts and fault events and of capturing and reviewing such data for the purpose of determining root cause. Lessons learned are shared to help in troubleshooting motor problems and to avoid potential mis-operations in motor protection. Reference [1] J. D. Jenkins, “The Development of the Electric Motor.” Available: [2] J. O’Brien, “How Much Do Electric Motors Really Cost?” Pumps & Systems, June 2009. Available: [3] E Source Companies LLC, “Making Motor Repair/Replacement Decisions,” 2009. Available: madison/m_01.html. [4] O. V. Thorsen and M. Dalva, “A Survey of Faults on Induction Motors in Offshore Oil Industry, Petrochemical Industry, Gas Terminals, and Oil Refineries,” proceedings of the IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference, Vancouver, Canada, September 1994. [5] S. E. Zocholl, AC Motor Protection. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc., Pullman, WA, 2003. [6] R. C. Scharlach and J. Young, “Lessons Learned From Generator Event Reports,” proceedings of the 63rd Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers, College Station, TX, March 2010. [7] J. L. Blackburn, Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications, 2nd ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1998. [8] Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Relay Instrument Division, Applied Protective Relaying. Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Newark, NJ, 1976. [9] S. E. Zocholl, “Applying SEL-501 Motor Protection With SelfBalancing Differential,” SEL Application Guide (AG95-33), December 1995. Available: Keywords Mechanical, Electrical, Thermal Systems. |