Submit your paper : Paper Title : Prevention of computer damage ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2020 10.29126/23951303/IJET-V6I2P18 MLA Style: -Luayabdulwahidshihab "Prevention of computer damage" Volume 6 - Issue 2(1-4) March - April,2020 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: -Luayabdulwahidshihab "Prevention of computer damage" Volume 6 - Issue 2(1-4) March - April,2020 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract Through the discussion of the study, there are many negative aspects, including the occurrence of a computer with health damages that are damaged in the user’s body, so he must take health measures to protect the members of the body from the harm of using the computer through the use of filtered eyes to protect the eye and sit in a normal straight way with daily exercise and take a break Intermittent. Reference 1. What are all of the disadvantages of using a computer ,,29-12-2017، . 2.Khulood Abdul Kareem, Luaay Abdul WahedShihab , Genetic Study for icaAD Gene to Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Different Part of Computer , International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 6(1), January - 2016, pp. 97-100 . 3. Cheng-Chieh Lai, William Allan Kritsonis , The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Technology in Second Language Acquisititon,journal computer science Published 2006 . 4 .Aurora – Tatiana Dina, Silvia-Ileana Ciornei ,The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer AssistedLanguage Learning and Teaching for Foreign Languages , 5th International Conference EDU-WORLD 2012 - Education Facing Contemporary WorldIssue Keywords prevention , computer , damage |