Submit your paper : Paper Title : VERIFIABLE AND MULTI-KEYWORD SEARCHABLE ATTRIBUTE-BASED ENCRYPTION SCHEME FOR CLOUD STORAGE ISSN : 2395-1303 Year of Publication : 2020 10.29126/23951303/IJET-10 MLA Style: Dr.E.Punarselvam,Mr.M.Dhamodaran, M.Saravanan, S.Sasidharan, S.Sreedhar, K.Vignesh VERIFIABLE AND MULTI-KEYWORD SEARCHABLE ATTRIBUTE-BASED ENCRYPTION SCHEME FOR CLOUD STORAGE " Volume 6 - Issue 2(1-9) March - April,2020 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , APA Style: Dr.E.Punarselvam,Mr.M.Dhamodaran, M.Saravanan, S.Sasidharan, S.Sreedhar, K.Vignesh VERIFIABLE AND MULTI-KEYWORD SEARCHABLE ATTRIBUTE-BASED ENCRYPTION SCHEME FOR CLOUD STORAGE " Volume 6 - Issue 2(1-9) March - April,2020 International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) ,ISSN:2395-1303 , Abstract The success of the cloud computing paradigm is due to its on-demand, self-service, and pay-by-use nature. Public key encryption with keyword search applies only to the certain circumstances that keyword cipher text can only be retrieved by a specific user and only supports single-keyword matching. In the existing searchable encryption schemes, either the communication mode is one-to-one, or only single-keyword search is supported. This paper proposes a searchable encryption that is based on attributes and supports multi-keyword search. Searchable encryption is a primitive, which not only protects data privacy of data owners but also enables data users to search over the encrypted data. Most existing searchable encryption schemes are in the single-user setting. There are only few schemes in the multiple data users setting, i.e., encrypted data sharing. Among these schemes, most of the early techniques depend on a trusted third party with interactive search protocols or need cumbersome key management. 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