IJET -Volume 4, Issue 2 , March - April 2018
Title/Author Name
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Stabilization of Clay Soil by Using Glass and Plastic Waste Powder
- Gowtham S, Naveenkumar A, Ranjithkumar R, Vijayakumar P, Sivaraja M
Clay soils exhibit generally undesirable engineering properties. They tend to have low shear strength which reduces further upon wetting or other physical disturbances. Hence, soil before construction by soil stabilization techniques. The main objective of this study is to investigate the use of glass and plastic waste powder in geotechnical applications to evaluate the effects of glass and plastic waste powder on Specific gravity test, Atterberg limits test, Compaction test, and CBR test. The powdered glass and plastic waste powder material is added to the soil in different proportions like 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% find the percentage of which the maximum soil strength is obtained. Also a comparative study on the properties of untreated clay soil and clay soil treated with glass and plastic waste powder was also done. The glass and plastic waste powder is effectively reduced and clay soil fit for pavement construction. Keyword: Clay soil, CBR, Plastic Waste, Glass.× ![]() Gowtham S, Naveenkumar A, Ranjithkumar R, Vijayakumar P, Sivaraja M"Stabilization of Clay Soil by Using Glass and Plastic Waste Powder" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 146 - 150 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Design and Analysis of Row and Column Bypass multipliers using various logic Full Adders
- Dr.R. Naveen, Abhinaya K U, Akilandeeswari N, Anushya S, Asuvanti M A
An energy efficient processor which is the key for designing is multipliers. Multipliers play an important role in DSP blocks and in many applications. The multiplication is an essential arithmetic operation for common DSP and communication application, such as filtering and FFT. “Add and Shift” algorithm is the common multiplication method. The switching activities and ower consumption is reduced by introducing the number of zeros in the multiplicand bit. This design depends on the input bit coefficient in the switching activity of the component used. Keyword: Multipliers, full adders, power consumption, area.× ![]() Dr.R. Naveen, Abhinaya K U, Akilandeeswari N, Anushya S, Asuvanti M A"Design and Analysis of Row and Column Bypass multipliers using various logic Full Adders" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 151 - 157 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Parallel Error Correction for Parallel FFTs
- Dr.R.Naveen, L Pavithra
In modern electronic circuit soft error is reliability in pose. This protects against soft errors and is requirement for many applications. In this trend communication and signal processing systems are not exception. In some applications the interesting choice is used in algorithmic based fault tolerance (ABFT) technology which tries to detect the errors and to correct it. Communication and signal processing units are well suitable for ABFT. An example for the above mentioned ABFT is (FFT) is a building block in some application. An algorithm to compute discrete fourier transform is known as (FFT) Fast Fourier Transform. This FFT converts time domain signals into frequency domain. Hence FFT is used widely in DSP technology and also in rudimentary operations in the field of digital signal and image processing. It is indispensable in most signal processing operations. This paper consists of efficient multiplication technology to reduce the partial product which is banned in conventional multiplication technology. Hence FFT and inverse fast fourier transform (IFFT) with efficient multiplication and with increased speed is used for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation and demodulation blocks. Normally I many application high speed and efficient multiplication is desired. Hence conventional multicarrier technology is chosen, but results in lower spectrum efficiency. So the principle of OFDM are used. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Dr.R.Naveen, L Pavithra"Design and Analysis of Row and Column Bypass multipliers using various logic Full Adders" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 158 - 165 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Decision Tree Classification for Traffic Congestion Detection Using Data Mining
- R.Sujatha, R.Anitha Nithya, S.Subhapradha, S.Srinithibharathi
In modern electronic circuit soft error is reliability in pose. This protects against soft errors and is requirement for many applications. In this trend communication and signal processing systems are not exception. In some applications the interesting choice is used in algorithmic based fault tolerance (ABFT) technology which tries to detect the errors and to correct it. Communication and signal processing units are well suitable for ABFT. An example for the above mentioned ABFT is (FFT) is a building block in some application. An algorithm to compute discrete fourier transform is known as (FFT) Fast Fourier Transform. This FFT converts time domain signals into frequency domain. Hence FFT is used widely in DSP technology and also in rudimentary operations in the field of digital signal and image processing. It is indispensable in most signal processing operations. This paper consists of efficient multiplication technology to reduce the partial product which is banned in conventional multiplication technology. Hence FFT and inverse fast fourier transform (IFFT) with efficient multiplication and with increased speed is used for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation and demodulation blocks. Normally I many application high speed and efficient multiplication is desired. Hence conventional multicarrier technology is chosen, but results in lower spectrum efficiency. So the principle of OFDM are used. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() R.Sujatha, R.Anitha Nithya, S.Subhapradha, S.Srinithibharathi"Decision Tree Classification for Traffic Congestion Detection Using Data Mining" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 166 - 173 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Bottom ASH as an Additive Material for Stabilization of Expansive Soil
- C.Radhai Devi, S.Surendhar, P.Vijaya Kumar, Dr.M.Sivaraja
Nowadays Expansive soils are a worldwide problem for civil engineers. It causes damages to foundations, pavements etc. Due to disposal of plastic waste on soil and pollution, it reduces soil strength and causes various problems on soil. Soil stabilization is the way used to reduce problems in expansive soils. The present project describes about the properties of expansive soil and bottom ash. Bottom ash is used as an additive material for stabilizing the soil. Stabilizing the soil by adding Bottom ash improves the soil strength and reduces swell and shrink. The main aim of this project is to study the effect of bottom ash on expansive soil for road construction. The laboratory tests are carried to determine the index properties and engineering properties of soil sample. The soil samples are prepared with different proportions of bottom ash as 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%. This proportion was used for further tests such as Atterberg’s Limit test, Standard Proctor Compaction test (SPC), Unconfined Compressive Strength test (UCC), and California Bearing Ratio test (CBR). This project shows that bottom ash improves the soil strength. Keyword: Expansive soil, Bottom ash, Soil stabilization, Road construction.× ![]() C.Radhai Devi, S.Surendhar, P.Vijaya Kumar, Dr.M.Sivaraja"Bottom ASH as an Additive Material for Stabilization of Expansive Soil" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 174 - 180 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Novel PD-I Controller for Underdamped Second Order-Like Processes
- Galal Ali Hassaan
This research paper aims at investigating the use of a novel PD-I controller to control second order underdamped processes. Controller tuning based on using MATLAB control and optimization toolboxes. Using the suggested tuning technique, it is possible to eliminate completely the kick characteristic associated with PID controllers and some other tuning techniques. The tuning results of the proposed PD-I controller are tabulated for process damping ratio from 0.1 to 0.6 and from 0.7 to 0.95 while the natural frequency of the second order process covers a range from 5 to 15 rad/s. Keyword: Underdamped second order processes, novel PD-I controller, controller tuning, MATLAB optimization toolbox, Control system performance.× ![]() Galal Ali Hassaan"Novel PD-I Controller for Underdamped Second Order-Like Processes" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 181 - 187 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Privacy Preserving in Distributed Verifiable Data Control in Cloud Storage
- R.Pavithra, E.Gayathri, K.Sangeetha, M.S.Vijaykumar
Cloud computing economically enables the paradigm of data service outsourcing. However, to protect data privacy, sensitive cloud data have to be encrypted before outsourced to the commercial public cloud, which makes effective data utilization service a very challenging task. Although traditional searchable encryption techniques allow users to securely search over encrypted data through keywords. In this paper, we define and solve the problem ofsecure ranked keyword search over encrypted cloud data. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() R.Pavithra, E.Gayathri, K.Sangeetha, M.S.Vijaykumar"Privacy Preserving in Distributed verifiable Data Control in cloud Storage" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 188 - 192 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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SQL Query Injection a Hazard Using Web Application
- Divya.M, Monisha.S, Reena .R, Kapila vani.R.K
Most information systems and business applications built nowadays have a web frontend and they need to be universally available to clients, employees and partners around the world, as the digital economy is becoming more and more prevalent in the global economy. These web applications, which can be accessed from anywhere, become so widely exposed that any existing security vulnerability will most probably be uncovered and exploited by hackers. SQLi and XSS allow attackers to access unauthorized data (read, insert, change or delete), gain access to privileged database accounts. The data may contain credit card numbers, account numbers, social security numbers, user names, passwords, email accounts, etc. These goods have a huge demand in the underground economy, which indicate that they have a higher cost/benefit ratio compared to other types of attacks. Keyword: Database, SQL Injection, DBMS assert , Bind Variables , Information Disclosure , Authentication bypass.× ![]() Divya.M, Monisha.S, Reena .R, Kapila vani.R.K"SQL Query Injection a Hazard Using Web Application" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 193 - 197 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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IOT Based Emergency Medical Services
- Mrs.Annie Isabella, K.Seetha Lekshmi, E.P.Thamizhvaani, S.Vishali
Emergency Medical Services comprises of reaching hospital within minimum amount of time so that immediate health care is provided. The proposed system gives the nearby hospital's location by the combined usage of Global Positioning System(GPS) hardware and Google Map Application Programming Interface(API). Based on Internet of Things, it also provides information regarding hospital facilities like number of beds, blood level of all types and availability of doctors using various Embedded System devices in real time during major accidents where multiple casualties have to be treated. These real time data are accessed from the ambulance through internet connectivity and alert signals are given to the corresponding hospitals selected by the casualties. This helps in reducing the mortal rate and improves the hospitality of the people. Keyword: IOT( Internet of Things),API(ApplicationProgramming Interface), GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) ,GPS (Global Positioning System), PIRsensor, IRsensor, Fingerprintsensor, Ambulance, Hospital.× ![]() Mrs.Annie Isabella, K.Seetha Lekshmi, E.P.Thamizhvaani, S.Vishali"IOT Based Emergency Medical Services" Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 199 - 202 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Simulation of Power Factor Correction Boost Converter
- Dr.N. Booma Nagarajan, S. Lakshvanthy
This project proposes a Power Factor Correction (PFC) Controller applicable for maintaining high input power factor of boost converter. The input current distortion occurs due to ripple in the output voltage feedback, input voltage feed forward path, distortion in the input voltage, non-linearity in the multiplier and poorly designed current regulator. These factors cause reduction in power factor. Thus two or more component factors are taken into account for power factor improvement by neglecting the input of other components. In this project ripple in output voltage feedback, input voltage feed forward path and an improved current regulator are considered. It requires micro controller, analog to digital converter and PWM generator. By using microcontroller, triggering pulses are generated. The boost converter is used to get increased voltage at the output end. If load is varied, the output voltage varies, which causes a change in the input power factor of the circuit. In a PFC, the controller works to improve the input side power factor by adjusting the duty cycle. Here the duty cycle is adjusted for power factor correction in addition to its variation for maintaining constant voltage at the output end. To improve the power factor, the input current is made to follow the input side voltage. Keyword: Power factor correction (PFC).× ![]() Dr.N. Booma Nagarajan, S. Lakshvanthy"Simulation of Power Factor Correction Boost Converter " Volume 4 - Issue 2 ( 203 - 208 ) - March - April 2018, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
IJET-V4I2P30 |