IJET -Volume 3, Issue 6 , November - December 2017
Title/Author Name
Serial No
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Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Three Pin Constant Velocity Joint
- Rajkumar Nandkumar Patil
These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for ‘Hybrid vehicle evolution and future’ in International Journal of Science Technology and Engineering. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at International Journal of Engineering and Technology. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Keyword: About four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.× ![]() Rajkumar Nandkumar Patil"Hybrid Vehicle Evolution and Future" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 609 - 646 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Experimental Investigation to Study Surface Quenching Behavior
- Chitranjan Agrawal
Study of surface quenching is of interest particular in the context of emergency core cooling of a nuclear reactor under LOCA conditions. Rewetting is a phenomenon which occurs during the quenching of hot surfaces of high temperature. Rewetting of surface occurs at minimum film boiling point where liquid established direct contact with a hot dry surface. The present investigation deals with experimental investigations on the quenching behavior of a hot horizontal stainless steel surface of 0.25 mm thickness with water jet of 22�C temperature. Initially, test surface is heated up to 800�C and water jet is injected through a straight tubes nozzle of 2.5 mm diameter. The observations are made up to 16 mm downstream locations away from the stagnation point. The nozzle exit to surface spacing is kept in the range of 4-16 times of nozzle diameter and Reynolds number in the range of 5000-24000. Rewetting temperature, rewetting velocity and wetting delay are some of the parameters over which rewetting phenomenon has been investigated. During quenching initially, a wet patch was observed at the stagnation point, which progress in downstream direction only when the surface was cooled up to the rewetting temperature. The Rewetting temperature, rewetting velocity both increases with the rise in Reynolds number, however, the wetting delay reduces. This effect is more pronounced for downstream locations away from the stagnation point. Keyword: Round Water Jet, Surface Quenching, Surface Rewetting, Transient Heat Transfer.× ![]() Chitranjan Agrawal"Experimental Investigation to Study Surface Quenching Behavior" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 647 - 654 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Effect of Ba1-xSrxTiO3: 0≤x≤1 Dielectric overlay on the Microstrip Straight Resonator
- S. A. Kanade
Effect of Ba1-xSrxTiO3:0≤x≤1 pellet, in touch overlay on the Ku band resonance characteristics of the Ag thick film microstrip straight resonator is studied. The overlay decreases the resonance frequency, increases the peak transmission and broadens of the resonance curve. The shift in resonance frequency has been used to predict the effective dielectric constant of the multilayer structure. Ceramic composition dependent shift in resonance frequency, broadening of the transmission curve, and increase in peak transmission are observed. Keyword: Ba1-xSrxTiO3, effective dielectric constant, overlay, straight resonator.× ![]() S. A. Kanade"Effect of Ba1-xSrxTiO3: 0≤x≤1 Dielectric overlay on the Microstrip Straight Resonator" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 655 - 661 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Socio-Economic Impact of Chandoli Dam: Perception Based Study of the Selected Villages of Warna River Basin
- Jagdish B. Sapkale
The present study forms a part of Warna river basin in Maharashtra State of India, which includes the Chandoli dam (Warna dam). Warna River is a major tributary of the Krishna River, which forms the northern boundary of Kolhapur, and rises in Sahyadri ranges of Maharashtra. The dam is benefited to 105 villages in the basin, having a command area of 50131 hectares for irrigation facilities. The focus of the research work is to determine the socio economic impact of dam. Keyword: Socio-Economic Impact, Warna Dam, Questionnaire Survey, Disparity.× ![]() Jagdish B. Sapkale"Socio-Economic Impact of Chandoli Dam: Perception Based Study of the Selected Villages of Warna River Basin" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 662 - 669 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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An Efficient Fuzzy Clustering Trajectories of Mobile Objects in Road Networks using Depth First Search
- Ramya K , Mrs. Rose Margaret
Most of mobile object trajectory clustering analysis to date has been focused on clustering the location points or sub-trajectories extracted from trajectory data. In this paper presents Fuzzy based Rapid Locality-Aware Trajectory Pattern Mining (FRLAT), a systematic approach to soft clustering whole trajectories of mobile objects travelling in road networks. FRLAT as a whole trajectory clustering framework has three unique features. First, we design Locality-aware Partitioned (LP) Mobile id-lists in whole trajectories. Second, we develop an Depth First Traversal (DFS) to discover interesting paths between locations in the given trajectory dataset. Third Fuzzy based Trajectory Mapping process is to better optimize the whole trajectory clustering process into multidimensional data points in a Euclidean space while preserving their relative distances in the transformed metric space. Keyword: Clustering, Fuzzy, Mobile Objects, Depth first search.× ![]() Ramya K , Mrs. Rose Margaret"An Efficient Fuzzy Clustering Trajectories of Mobile Objects in Road Networks using Depth First Search" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 670 - 674 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Design and Optimization of Mechanical Components and ITS Mechanism Using Monte Carlo Simulation
- K. Nirmala, Dr. K.Satish Babu, DR.K. Hemachandra Reddy
This paper studies in detail about the background and implementation of a MONTE CARLO SIMULATION based optimization with differential operator for optimization task of a few mechanical components, which are essential for most of the mechanical engineering applications. Like most of the other heuristic techniques, CARLO SIMULATION is also a population-based method and uses a population of solutions to proceed to the global solution. A differential operator is incorporated into the CARLO SIMULATION for effective search of better solutions. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, three typical optimization problems are considered in this research: firstly, to optimize the tolerance in cylinder, secondly, to optimize the volume in cylinder, and finally to optimize the weight of the cylinder. Simulation result on the optimization (mechanical components) problems reveals the ability of the proposed methodology to find better optimal solutions compared to other optimization algorithms. Keyword: Monte Carlo Simulation ,FEM.× ![]() K. Nirmala, Dr. K.Satish Babu, DR.K. Hemachandra Reddy"Design and Optimization of Mechanical Components and ITS Mechanism Using Monte Carlo Simulation" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 675 - 680 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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A Review on Banking Sector
- Mr. Subash Babu Bathala, Dr. Muthuluru Nagendra, Dr.Mahesh Kandakatla
Fraud not most effective causes unattainable financial losses but additionally pushes the organization by many steps backwards on this competitive world. Any deliberate act of deceit involving monetary bills or misappropriation of organizations‟ assets for private enrichment is termed as “financial fraud”. In present scenario, enforcing powerful fraud prevention techniques before everything location and detection method in case of failure of preventive measures isn't any more an aggressive gain however a cause that guarantees the survival of the fittest. The probabilities of fraud can be decreased to a degree by way of judging the accuracy of aim and legitimacy of financial transactions, which is almost not possible. For this reason to counter this menace, System must be proactive and consequently put in force fraud prevention and detection strategies. This paper explains the methods to hit upon the fraud in banking sector and how to improve the transaction to discover the frauds. Keyword: - - -.× ![]() Mr. Subash Babu Bathala, Dr. Muthuluru Nagendra, Dr.Mahesh Kandakatla"A Review on Banking Sector" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 681 - 688 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Investigation of Method to Utilize the Waste Heat to Improve the Plant Performance in Sugar Industry
- Manjunath D Kerakalamatti
In sugar factory, turbine exhaust steam is used to boil the juice. After boiling the juice exhaust steam loses its latent heat and changes its phase to water. It is called “condensate water”. Now exhaust condensate from process house taken to the boiler feed water tank (storage tank) then by transfer pump it pumps to deaerator. After deaeration, through boiler feed pump, pumps to boiler. In this system at feed water tank there is a heavy heat and water loss through flash. But in modified system, the exhaust condensate from process house to direct deaerator, eliminating the feed water tank and transfer pump which saves water flashing, vapour loss and also saves energy of pump operation. Keyword: Deaerator, Exhaust condensate, Feed water transfer pump, Boiler feed pump etc.× ![]() Manjunath D Kerakalamatti"Investigation of Method to Utilize the Waste Heat to Improve the Plant Performance in Sugar Industry" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 689 - 692 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Mechanical Engineering in Ancient Egypt, Part 61: Symbols Industry in the Third Intermediate and Late Periods
- Galal Ali Hassaan
This paper is the 57th research paper in a series investigating the evolution of mechanical engineering in ancient Egypt. It tries to achieve this purpose through investigating the symbols industry during the Third Intermediate and Late Periods. It outlines the design and application of symbols by the ancient Egyptians. The symbols used are highlighted with reference to material and present location if known. Features of the symbol-based products are outlined as characteristics of Mechanical Engineering in ancient Egypt.. Keyword: Mechanical engineering; ancient Egypt; symbols industry, 3rd Intermediate Period, Late Period.× ![]() Galal Ali Hassaan"Mechanical Engineering in Ancient Egypt, Part 61: Symbols Industry in the Third Intermediate and Late Periods" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 693 - 702 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Effect of Irradiance on Performance for Poly-Crystalline Photo-voltaic Cell
- Digvijay Sarvate, M. K. Bhaskar, Manish Parihar, Deepak Bohra ,Dharmendra Jain
In this paper, simulation of 60 Cells Eldora Ultima Silver 1500 V Series by Vikram Solar Panel using Matlab Simulink approach is presented. The method is used to determine the PV & I-V characteristics of proposed module in various conditions especially in different levels of irradiation. In addition, all results from Matlab Simulink are verified with the data sheet of Eldora Ultima Silver 1500 V Series by Vikram Solar Panel. Keyword: Solar photovoltaic cell, mathematical model, modeling, PV module, standard test condition (STC), PV characteristic; simulink/matlab.× ![]() Digvijay Sarvate, M. K. Bhaskar, Manish Parihar, Deepak Bohra ,Dharmendra Jain"Effect of Irradiance on Performance for Poly-Crystalline Photo-voltaic Cell" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 703 - 708 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
IJET-V3I6P100 |