IJET -Volume 3, Issue 6 , November - December 2017
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This work proposes a novel reversible picture information obnubilating (RIDH) conspire over scrambled area. [2] The information inserting is accomplished through an open key tweak instrument, in which access to the mystery encryption key is not required. At the decoder side, an intense two-class SVM classifier is intended to recognize encoded and non-scrambled picture patches, authorizing us to mutually disentangle the installed message and the unblemished picture flag. Contrasted and the condition of human expressions, the proposed approach gives higher implanting limit, and can perfectly recreate the unblemished picture and also the installed message.Broad test comes about are given to approve the prevalent execution of our plan. Keyword: Reversible picture information obnubilating (RIDH), flag handling over encoded space, highlight extraction,SVM × ![]() N.SHIRISHA ,Mr.B.RAJESHWAR SINGH ,Dr.Ch.N.SANTHOSH KUMAR" KEY MODULATION REVERSIBLE IMAGE DATA HIDING OVER ENCRYPTED DOMAIN FOR SECURE IN FEATURE EXTRACTION " Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 536 - 542 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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A Study on Different Scanners and Their Limitations for Web Application Vulnerabilities
- Mrs. M. Sridevi, Dr. K.V.N.Sunitha
Web applications have become commodiously popular in the last two decades and have touched every walk of our daily lives. At the same time they have accrued large volumes of sensitive data. This has allured the attackers, who ever since been looking out for the vulnerabilities in the applications constantly. In this paper, the most common web attacks are deliberated. The artifice of how these attacks are effectuated is discussed. Some of the most common industries targeted by the attackers are Finance, Government, Healthcare and IT. The recent trends in the web attacks and their consequences on the organizations are analyzed. The common scanners or automated tools to scan for vulnerabilities and their limitations are deciphered Keyword: Web Application Security, Web Application Vulnerabilities, Denial of Service, SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, Cross Site Request Forgery, Web Security Scanners× ![]() Mrs. M. Sridevi, Dr. K.V.N.Sunitha" A Study on Different Scanners and Their Limitations for Web Application Vulnerabilities" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 470 - 481 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Study And Approach On Hybridpolymer Composite Materials With FGM
- J.Murali mohan , D.Srikanth , K.Pavan kumar
Research work was to investigate experimentally the tensile behavior of Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) made from tubular braided composites and to find out the relationship between the tensile property of the FGM and that of the corresponding non-FGM. Composites were made using tubular braided carbon fiber fabrics and an epoxy resin. The FGM specimens had varying braiding angles and the non FGM specimens had constant braiding angles. The effect of braiding angle on the composite properties was established from the test results for the non-FGM specimens. It was shown that both the tensile strength and modulus decreased as the braiding angle increased. The tensile behavior of the FGM specimens was demonstrated to be related to that of the non-FGM specimens. Moreover, a distribution of the volume fraction of these fibers across the width of the corresponding layers is non-uniform (piece-wise distribution. The goal is to maximize the buckling load subject to the constraint on the total cross-sectional area of the stiffer fibers. Composite materials have been steadily substituting metals and alloys due to their better thermo mechanical properties. The successful application of composite materials for high temperature zones in aerospace applications has resulted in extensive exploration of cost effective ablative materials. High temperature heat shielding to body, be it external or internal, has become essential in the space vehicles. The heat shielding primarily protects the substrate material from external kinetic heating and the internal insulation protects the subsystems and helps to keep coefficient of thermal expansion low Keyword: FGM, Resin× ![]() J.Murali mohan , D.Srikanth , K.Pavan kumar "Study And Approach On Hybridpolymer Composite Materials With FGM" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 548 - 554 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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A Fluid Flow Rate Enhancement In A Nozzle Through Cfd Approch
- K.Pavan kumar, J.Murali mohan, D.Srikanth
A pressure vessel typically consists of large cylindrical and / or spherical containers with nozzles through which the reactants flow in and out. . While plain cylindrical or spherical containers can be analyzed for internal pressure using thin/ thick cylinder formulae, the ones with nozzles are difficult to analyze. This is in view of complicated stress concentrations that arise at the interface of the nozzle and pressure vessel junction. The calculations have become complicated because of forces that arise at the free end of the nozzle. The forces include those of piping, wind forces, earth quake forces in addition to the internal pressure. In spite of these, strict adherence to safety codes is to be followed. ASME, Section VIII specifies the stress limits to be adhered to. One of the criterions is the stress intensity, which is not possible to compute by simple analytical procedures. FEM can be used for computing the deformation and stress at the nozzle-vessel junction in the structure and also at all other points on the pressure vessel But, precise estimation of stress intensity is not possible with these elements for a structure with nozzles. A method is developed for a precise structured modeling and for estimating the stress intensities at the junction of nozzles and pressure vessels the presence of a ring significantly increases both the turbulence intensity and mean velocity at the exit, and requires a much higher inlet pressure to move the fluid through the nozzle. On the other hand, cutting a groove near the exit or extending the nozzle has little effect on the exit flow characteristics. Keyword: Nozzel, FEM, ASME× ![]() K.Pavan kumar, J.Murali mohan, D.Srikanth"A Fluid Flow Rate Enhancement In A Nozzle Through Cfd Approch" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 555 - 560 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Schematic Approach On Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger With Ceramic Coating Using Cfd Approach
- D.Srikanth, K.Pavan kumar, J.Murali mohan
This project presents an attempt to optimize a shell and tube heat exchanger. Heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat between two or more fluids. Of the various types of heat exchangers used in various industries, the shell and tube heat exchanger is probably the most versatile and widely used in most industrial sectors. This project captures the optimization of the total annual operating cost together with structural and CFD optimization Ceramic heat exchanger is one which can with stand high temperatures ranging from 600-1000oC .Ceramic heat exchanger has low material cost and also it can withstand high temperatures compared to metallic heat exchanger. Due to this reason it is important to predict the performance of ceramic heat exchanger, before it gets fabricated .In this project CFD analysis is performed on the ceramic heat exchanger having rectangular and circular ducts where aluminum nitride is used to predict and optimize various parameters like heat transfer rate and effectiveness. Keyword: Ceramic Heat Exchangers, Heat Transfer Rates, Effectiveness, ANYS.× ![]() D.Srikanth, K.Pavan kumar, J.Murali mohan "Schematic Approach On Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger With Ceramic Coating Using Cfd Approach" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 561 - 567 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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By Using Microblogging Information Connecting Social Media To E-Commerce: Cold Start Product Recommendation
- G.Anusha, Mrs.N.Usha rani, Dr.Ch.N.Santhosh kumar
Lately, the limits between net commercial enterprise and social networking have grown to become out to be steadily obscured. Numerous net primarily based commercial enterprise websites bolster the issue of social login where customers can sign on the sites utilizing their casual community identities, for instance, their Facebook or Twitter accounts. Clients can likewise publish their acquired objects on smaller scale online journals with connections to the internet business item site pages. In this paper, we advise a singular answer for pass-website frosty start item proposal, which intends to prescribe items from internet-based commercial enterprise sites to customers at the individual to character verbal exchange locales in "cold begin" instances. A noteworthy check is an approach to control utilize learning isolated from character to person verbal exchange locations for cross-website online icy begin item idea. We advocate utilizing the related clients crosswise over lengthy range casual communication locales and net-based enterprise websites (clients who have man or woman to person communique debts and feature made buys on online business sites) as an extension to delineates interpersonal interaction highlights to another detail portrayal for item inspiration. In precise, we advise learning both the customers' and objects' factor portrayals (referred to as purchaser embeddings and object embeddings, in my opinion) from statistics amassed from net business sites using intermittent neural structures and in a while apply an adjusted inclination boosting trees approach to alternate clients' person to person communication highlights into client embeddings. We at that point increase a factor primarily based framework factorization technique that can use the learned consumer embeddings for frosty begin object proposal. The trial comes approximately on a vast dataset advanced from the biggest Chinese smaller scale blogging administration SINA WEIBO and the biggest Chinese B2C online business website JINGDONG have proven the viability of our proposed shape. Keyword: microblogging facts, cold begin, inclination boosting, pass-internet site icy begin, jumbling, grid factorization× ![]() G.Anusha, Mrs.N.Usha rani, Dr.Ch.N.Santhosh kumar "By Using Microblogging Information Connecting Social Media To E-Commerce: Cold Start Product Recommendation" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 568 - 576 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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A Schematic Design And Analysis Of A Hinge In Aerospace Structures Using Different Materials
- M. Pruthvi Raj
On an aircraft, the hinge is one of the important directional control surface along with the rudder-like elevator (attached to the vertical stabilizer) and ailerons (attached to the wings) that control pitch and roll, respectively. The components of hinge assembly are hinge Arms, Fork Head, Spar and Panel, hinge Arms are to be designed to take loads from rudder. The scope of the present work is to detailed design of hinge to meet strength and stability requirements and modeling done by using CATIA V5 software. The static stress analysis carried out to find the stresses like Von misses, Maximum Principal, shear stresses for different materials using ANSYS. Keyword: Hinge, CATIA, ANSYS.× ![]() M. Pruthvi Raj"A Schematic Design And Analysis Of A Hinge In Aerospace Structures Using Different Materials" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 577 - 584 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Adaptive Optics and Ground to Space Laser Communications
- R.Karthikeyan ,Ashika B, Anbarasi S
Communication in the whole of the World is revolutionized with the advent of Satellites. Satellite Communication has served mankind in many ways e.g. to predict weather, storm warning, provide wide range of communication services in the field of relaying television programs, digital data for a multitudes of business services and most recent in telephony and mobile communication. It may not surprise world community, if satellite communication links may be used for voice and fax transmission to Aircraft on International routes in near future. GPS Navigation, Global telephony, Multimedia video and internet connectivity, Earth Imaging through Remote sensing satellites for resource monitoring, Telemedicine, Tele-education services etc. are other feathers in Satellite communication applications. Keyword: Satellites, GPS Navigation, Remote Sensing, Telemedicine, Frequency reuse, Networks of satellites.× ![]() R.Karthikeyan, Ashika B , Anbarasi S"Adaptive Optics and Ground to Space Laser Communications" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 585 - 592 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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A Comparative Study on Text Summarization Methods
- Fr.Augustine George, Dr.Hanumanthappa
With the advent of Internet, the data being added online is increasing at enormous rate. Businesses are waiting for models that can render some useful information out of this large chunk; and hence our research holds significance. There are various statistical and NLP models that are used and each of them are efficient in their own way. Here, we will be making a comparative study so as to bring out the parameters and efficiency, thus bringing about a deduction as to when and how best we can use a particular model. Text summarization is the technique, which automatically creates an abstract, or summary of a text. The technique has been developed for many years. Summarization is one of the research works in NLP, which concentrates on providing meaningful summary using various NLP tools and techniques. Since huge amount of information is used across the digital world, it is highly essential to have automatic summarization techniques. Extractive and Abstractive summarization are the two summarization techniques available. Lot of research work are being carried out in this area especially in extractive summarization. The techniques involved here are text summarization with statistical scoring, Linguistic Method, Graph based method, and artificial Intelligence. Keyword: Text Summarization, Natural Language Processing, Lexicon, Graph based.× ![]() Fr.Augustine George, Dr.Hanumanthappa"A Comparative Study on Text Summarization Methods" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 593 - 599 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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- Shubham Kasera, Devendra Vairagi, Suraj Sharma
Rapid increase in population leads to waste generation. From the past survey, waste generated in India is at the range of 200-870 grams per day and its rate is increasing by 1.3% per capita per annum. The worst thing is that some portion of waste is burned only on streets and dumpsites, which release harmful furan and dioxins in the environment.This harmful gas leads to various types of chronic and respiratory diseases. So, assmart waste management system, which can be effectively use in parties, colleges, railwaystation to ensure proper cleanliness.This paper presents an Arduino based smart dustbin which canoperate via GSM and line followerrobotic system.Arduino Uno is used to read the dustbin levels with the help of Ultrasonic sensor. After 100% filling of waste, a message is send to waste management department to collect that waste for proper disposal. Keyword:Arduino , GSM Module , Ultrasonic sensor. Arduino , GSM Module , Ultrasonic sensor.× ![]() Shubham Kasera, Devendra Vairagi, Suraj Sharma"SMARTBIN" Vol. 3 - Issue 6 ( 600 - 608 ) - November - December 2017, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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