IJET -Volume 3, Issue 5 , september - october 2017
Title/Author Name
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Lung Cancer Detection Using Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm and Bayesian Decision Theory
- V.Sowmya , Dr.Judith Justin
Early detection of lung cancer is a demanding problem due to both the structure of the cancer cells and the staining method employed in the formulation of the sputum cells. The manual analysis of the sputum sample is time consuming and inaccurate due to overlapping of the cells. Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system helps to detect cells accurately, thereby improving the chances of survival of the patient. In the proposed study, Wiener filter is used to denoise the image and the quality metrics such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) are used to assess the performance. The sputum cells are segmented using Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm and to extract the homogeneous tissues in the image. Bayesian Decision Theory classifies images as normal or abnormal. Keyword: Lung cancer, Sputum Cytometry, Color Sputum Image, Mean Shift Clustering, Bayesian Decision Theory.× V.Sowmya , Dr.Judith Justin , "Lung Cancer Detection Using Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm and Bayesian Decision Theory" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 88 - 92 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Automatic wheelchair cum bed with voice control movement for paraplegic patients
- K. Uma , V.Sowmya , S.Gowri
Automatic wheelchair cum bed with voice control mechanism for paraplegic patients is an innovative idea in the field of rehabilitation. For precise control and accurate movements, the joystick and voice control mechanisms are used by the patients. Voice controlled movement will be extremely helpful to someone who might lack the physical ability to move both their legs. The wheelchair can also be customized as a bed by stretching it. This will help the paraplegic patient to lie down without an auxiliary support. The hardware set up will provide the necessary mechanical movements like forward, left, right and height. By means of ultrasound sensor, the obstacle can be detected and displayed on the LCD. The patients with paraplegia find it very difficult to sit continuously in the same position as it can develop back pain and muscle cramps. Thus as a preventive measure, a massaging system for the lumbar region is incorporated in this wheelchair. Keyword: Wheel chair, Joy stick, paraplegia.× K. Uma , V.Sowmya , S.Gowri , "Automatic wheelchair cum bed with voice control movement for paraplegic patients" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 93 - 97 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Evolution of Cellular Network: From 1G to 5G
- Nikhil Bhandari, Shivinder Devra, Karamdeep Singh
The need and demand of mobile and internet is increasing every day. Creation of technology and evolution of mobile industry has been initiated by mobile industry since early 1970s. First generation only provided voice communication facility, whereas second generation provided voice as well as data services. Further with more advancements in mobile wireless technology 3G provided us with video conferencing and etc. With increasing demand 4G came into existence and provided us with ultra-broadband internet access. 5G will be able to provide us facilities that one has never experienced till date. Our diversity of culture also plays a crucial role for this tremendous growth of mobile technology as they adopted this technology in friendly manner. Keyword: Introduction, Cellular network first generation, second generation, third generation, fourth generation and fifth generation.× Nikhil Bhandari, Shivinder Devra, Karamdeep Singh , "Evolution of Cellular Network: From 1G to 5G" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 98 - 105 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Multiple Image Sharing Scheme Using Visual Cryptography for color and Gray Level Image
- Rajeev Kumar Sao , Mr. Prabhakar Sharma
Information is increasingly important in our daily life. Information gets more value when shared with others. Due to advances in technologies related to networking and communication, it is possible to share the information like audio, video and image easily. It may give rise to security related issues. Attackers may try to access unauthorized data and misuse it. One of the variants of the visual cryptography is multiple image sharing scheme of visual cryptography in which more than one images are hidden and shared between the receiver and the transmitter securely. In this thesis, a multiple sharing scheme is presented for color image which is designed to hide 4 secret images. With slight modification in this scheme, this scheme can be extended to share more than 4 images. Keyword: visual cryptography scheme (VCS), pixel expansion, OR operation security, accuracy, computational complexity.× Rajeev Kumar Sao, Mr. Prabhakar Sharma , "Multiple Image Sharing Scheme Using Visual Cryptography for color and Gray Level Image" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 106 - 113 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Path Loss Study of Lee Propagation Model
- S.Karthika
Channel properties has high impact on the development of wireless communication systems. Unlike wired channels are stationary and predictable, radio channels are extremely random and don’t offer easy analysis. A Radio Propagation Model (RPM), is an empirical mathematical formulation for the characterization of radio wave propagation as a function of frequency. In wireless communication, path loss propagation models are mandatory for proper planning, interference estimations, frequency assignments and cell parameters which are the basic for network planning process. Propagation models that predict the mean signal strength for an arbitrary transmitter-receiver (T-R) separation distance which is useful in estimating the radio coverage area of a transmitter are called large-scale propagation models, since they characterize signal strength over large T-R separation distances. In this paper, the large-scale propagation performance of Urban, Suburban and Open Area has been compared using Lee Model by varying Mobile Station (MS) antenna height, Transmitter-Receiver distance and Base Station (BS) antenna height, considering the system to operate at 900 MHz. Through the MATLAB simulation it is turned out that the Open Area shows the better performance than that of the other areas. Keyword: Propagation Model, Antenna Height, Distance, Lee Model, Path Loss.× S.Karthika, "Path Loss Study of Lee Propagation Model" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 114 - 117 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Design and Analysis of Stress Induced in Spur Gear Tool Profile Using CATIA and ANSYS
- Puspraj Singh , Gaurav Verma , Dr. L.P. Singh
Spur gear is a gear which is used to transmit power from one shaft to another shaft. At the time of power transmission several types of stresses presented on gear while designing. The bending stress is considered as the main cause of failure during the transmission of power. In the present study bending stress can be calculated by using AGMA and ANSYS. CATIA V5R19 is used for designing of gear. Then file is saved in IGES format and imported in ANSYS 15.0 where it analyzed. The major purpose of this study has to investigate the stress induced in a spur gear tooth parameter. At the end AGMA and ANSYS results has been compared with each other. Keyword: Spur gear, Design, Modeling, AGMA, CATIA, ANSYS and Analysis.× Puspraj Singh , Gaurav Verma , Dr. L.P. Singh, "Design and Analysis of Stress Induced in Spur Gear Tool Profile Using CATIA and ANSYS" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 118 - 124 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Hygroscopic and Rheological properties of sustainable Dalbergia sissoo Wood Flour on Recycled/Virgin Polypropylene Composites with/without MAPP
- Gaurav Verma, Dr .L.P. Singh, Anil Kumar Yadav , Dr .P.B.Patel
This study scrutinizes, the influence of wood sawdust (Dalbergia sissoo) as filler on hygroscopic and rheological properties of composite produced by using it with recycled/virgin polypropylene (PP). In this research, wood sawdust of 200-250µm was compounded in the form of pallets using twin screw extruder for which the composites of PP matrix 80, 70, 60 and 50 wt% was used. These pallets were then fabricated into the specimen by injection moulding method with altering formulations based on the synthetic polymer type (PP), synthetic polymer form (recycled and virgin), wood sawdust content and inclusion of coupling agent(MAPP). The result exhibits that recycled polypropylene (RPP) based WPCs shows better water absorption and thickness of swell than composite based on virgin polypropylene (VPP). The maleated polypropylene (MAAP) improves the dimensional stability of the WPCs remarkably when incorporated in small concentration of 3-5 wt% in the formulations. The Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of tensile-fractured surfaces of the specimen clarifies the aftermath of reprocessing in WPCs and improvement in interfacial bonding due to presence of the coupling agent (MAPP). Keyword: Wood Plastic Composite, Wood Sawdust, Virgin And Recycled Polypropylene, Water Absorption, Thickness Of Swell, MFI, SEM..× Gaurav Verma, Dr.L.P. Singh, Anil Kumar Yadav , Dr.P.B.Patel "Hygroscopic and Rheological properties of sustainable Dalbergia sissoo Wood Flour on Recycled/Virgin Polypropylene Composites with/without MAPP" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 125 - 134 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Methane Generation from Cow Dung with the Aid of a Termitic Enzyme Using a Locally Fabricated Bio-Digester
- Kayode Hassan Lasisi, Olanrewaju Adebayo Ojomo
Energy is one of the most fundamental of human needs and it drives human life, and is extremely crucial forcontinued human development. This paper presents the findings of a research that was carried out to determine the generation of biogas from cow dung using a low cost fabricated bio-digester. A cylindrical drum of capacity 100 litres was used as bio-digester and fed with 40 kg of cow dung mixed with warm water in proportions of 2:1. Also, calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH)2) was incorporated into the experiment to remove the carbon(iv)oxide from the biogas produced and termitic enzymes solution to acceleratethe biogas yield. Results from this study shows that the digestion of cow dung resulted in an appreciable biogas yield. Comparing this result with sample of cow dung mixed with warm water in the ratio 1:1 and taking into account the natural state of the waste when collected for experiment, it is of considerable range when compared with the standard values. Ultimately, digestion of cow dung is one way of addressing the problem of insufficient energy supply in developing countries. Keyword: Energy, Biogas, Cow dung, Bio-digester, Digestion, Developing Countries.× Kayode Hassan Lasisi, Olanrewaju Adebayo Ojomo "Methane Generation from Cow Dung with the Aid of a Termitic Enzyme Using a Locally Fabricated Bio-Digester" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 135 - 142 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Innovative Idea For Automobiles Having Zero Harmful Emissions: A Review
- Dharmendra Kumar ,Dr. Keshavendra Choudhary
Nowadays, every living organism on this planet is facing problem due to extremely polluted air. Harmful automotive emissions are responsible for 50 to 90 percent of air pollution. If this vehicle emission is continuously going to the atmosphere then living organism will be completely vanished from this planet. So, we have to think about replacement of way of power generation inside the vehicles. Our focus of this study is to present a way by using which we can run automobile without producing any harmful emissions. Keyword: Four stroke engine, two stroke engine, mechanical watch, small key car, Mainspring.× Dharmendra Kumar , Dr.Keshavendra Choudhary "Innovative Idea For Automobiles Having Zero Harmful Emissions: A Review" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 143 - 146 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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Student Performance Analysis for Academic Ranking Using Decision Tree Approach in University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines Senior High School
- Paul Joseph M. Estrera ,Pamela E. Natan, Babe Grrece T. Rivera, Faith B. Colarte
Predicting students’ academic performance is mostly useful to help the educators and learners improve their teaching and learning process. In this study, the researchers develop a system that merges the work of a dynamic web-based grade book and predictive analytics for the students’ performance. We have performed series of test to evaluate the importance of the attributes and the results shows that the student’s GPA, gender, study behavior, interest in studies and the engaged time in studying of the USTP Senior High School students had a great impact in the prediction. The researchers also found out that using the Decision Tree Algorithm is efficient for the prediction. It can be concluded that this paper will help the students and teachers to monitor the students’ performance in a systematic way and taking appropriate action to improve it. The researchers recommend that the students’ entrance exam results and extra-curricular activities would be included in predicting the academic performance of the students. Keyword: Gradebook, Attributes, Predictive Analytics, Decision Tree, Student Performance.× Paul Joseph M. Estrera ,Pamela E. Natan, Babe Grrece T. Rivera, Faith B. Colarte "Student Performance Analysis for Academic Ranking Using Decision Tree Approach in University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines Senior High School" Vol. 3 - Issue 5 ( 146 - 153 ) - September - October 2017 , International Journal of Engineering and Techniques (IJET) , ISSN: 2395 - 1303 , www.ijetjournal.org × |
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