National Conference On Emerging Trends in Computing Technologies
( NCETCT-18 )- 2018
( NCETCT-18 )- 2018
Title/Author Name
Serial No
01 |
A Study of Wi-fi Access Data Security in Internet of Things
- M.Balamurugan, Dr.R.Kalaiarasi | NCETCT-101 |
02 |
Detecting Malicious Packet Losses
- I. Dhanaseeli | NCETCT-102 |
03 |
Business Analytics Using Hadoop Together Withenterprise Data Warehouse
- Senthilkumar D, Sangeetha T | NCETCT-103 |
04 |
Predictive analysis of Big data in the field of Clinical decision support system
- Sangeetha T, Udhayakumar U | NCETCT-104 |
05 |
Role and Analysis of Big Data Technology in Social Network
- Anitha R, Udhayakumar U | NCETCT-105 |
06 |
Deep learning Techniques in Image processing
- Ganesh B, Kumar C | NCETCT-106 |
07 |
Big data Analytics: Challenges and Applications for Social Media Data
- Krishnaveni C, Udhayakumar U | NCETCT-107 |
08 |
Exploration of Cloud Computing Perceptions
- Ranjith D, Balajee J | NCETCT-108 |
09 |
Security and Privacy in Big data
- SanthoshKumar K, Udhayakumar U | NCETCT-109 |
10 |
Issues in Mobile Cloud Computing
- J.Mary Ramya Poovizhi | NCETCT-110 |